Leader of the word "lead" with two meanings: As a noun means "lead" and a verb "to lead" which translates as "lead, guide, give direction." Thus, the leader who does not guide becomes 'lead', an obstacle for the group. Leadership can be defined as the process of influencing people so that they willingly strive towards achieving goals group. Leadership has been defined as "activity to influence people to voluntarily strive to achieve the objectives of the group ' - The process of directing and guiding the activities of members in a group. The ability to influence a group to achieve the goals pursued through a process of communication in a given situation, to channel their efforts towards achieving a specific goal or goals. - Cartwright and Zander (1971), developed the first psychological-social definition, which present leadership as "the ability to have personal power and social, the ability to convert an intention on a result and kept it in, through and for the people. " The group dynamics is given to the leader as one who, regardless of their rank, is the most influential in a group to achieve its results. Every human group has consciously or unconsciously organized a series of goals and a mission to accomplish. The leader helps you find, clarify and define goals. also consider the influence or leadership behaviors that may be of two types: - Influences of tasks are all actions of any member who identifies goals, which program activities that provide relevant information to facilitate the achievement of objectives. It also refers to activities that lead the group to evaluate results, to diagnose the current situation in relation to team goals, control of activities.
- Influences of maintenance, operations leadership, which are all actions of any member of the group to strengthen the integration and cohesion of the team. In this category include all interventions that provide an understanding of the members among themselves and communication. Also those who seek consensus and appreciation of ideas and input from members of the group. Which help to resolve differences and conflicts among members. Tuesday, June 22, 2010
- Process of communication: Because there must be an ongoing social interaction.
- Given a scenario, within a context. Leaders are change agents whose actions affect other components to a greater extent than the acts of the latter affect the leaders. There is leadership when a member of a group modifies the motivation or competence of other members.
leadership is the key to monitoring, this means the provision for people to follow someone, besides provision, continue to believe that the means to achieve their own goals, so the motivation and leadership are closely related.
leads the group leader facilitates group behavior. The leader involves others exerts some influence over its members and the formal group leader exercises power legitimately punished. The group leader is respected and recognized members of the group their orders and suggestions, help define the leader's position and allow the lapse of the leadership process.
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