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The group leaders 
The Animator is what helps the group to function properly and that its skill is the success or failure, so the animator is the person who directs, encourages, supports and accompanies the group members.
"The facilitator is an expert in group dynamics and processes with expertise in the design and coordination of workshops and sessions. Usually has one or more additional areas of expertise: methodology, group technology, design and community organizational structures, consulting, etc.. "
(Ruete, 1998).
"elicit and support self-organizing change"
(Rough, 1999). "is used to facilitate some level of knowledge of group processes, whether intuitive or explicit, to formulate and implement some form of judicial intervention, whether formal or informal, with a group to do what you want or need to do to achieve what they want or need to achieve '
(Ned Reute 1999). for Groups Dynamics in specific points Animator working with the group are:
- Perceiving own behavior and that of others. - Investigate the thinking and reasoning of others. - Make own thoughts and reasoning more visible to others. - Gain greater awareness of one's thoughts and reasoning.
has to coordinate the group by helping them identify their needs, to remain faithful to the objectives of the group, to ensure unity among all, to motivate and ensure the smooth running and also perform the following functions:
- Function Clarification:

At the beginning you must ensure that the objective is clear to the participants. During the course should help them understand it, asking questions to make sure they understood what was said.
- Relaxation Functions:
should eliminate stress by creating a climate of trust that allows communication in achieving group harmony. - Dynamism Function: urge the group to feel desire to do 'something', to motivate them.
Animator Styles:
one of the major styles and their characteristics Animator:
- Democracy: Participatory , cooperative, group-centered. Its members feel that what matters is the group because the boss is the group itself and the animator only encourages this group consciousness.
- good-natured: Permissive, liberal.
In the group imposes the most screams. Do not come to any conclusion it all works out with voting without thinking and without consensus. The Animator is unsure diffidence with which he is afraid to make mistakes when actuar.Quiere please everyone and to agree with everyone.
- Authoritarian: Orders and commands.
has the power and the control group. The Animator is not in the group but above it. You can manipulate the members of the group through rewards and punishments, by praise, humiliation, privileges or exclusion. people feel conditioned without freedom, the group is not rich because there is no mutual contribution. Specific objectives, distributes tasks, marks and deprecates the efforts of others or endorsing them.
Good Leader:
- Deja do: works for others work, distributing tasks well.
- Care for the internal life of the group:
eliminating tensions and frustrations, giving space to those who think differently, to achieve an environment that enables all mature.
- know that the group is the sum of its members: influenced by internal or external forces (pressure, rush, environment) is concerned to control potential sources of influence.
is aware that the group has a life outside the group
- Union group is constructed with values \u200b\u200bmore than laughter, more effort than words - Each members of the group has its specific contribution to offer to the common task.
- Guidance to a review of work done:
compares it with the original project and willing to cooperate in the exchange
- It feels like one more in the group.
line course all over Spain: ENTERTAINER / A SPECIALIST GROUP DYNAMICS 200 hours.
offer 120 euros
(+ shipping +4% VAT)
diploma, with number of hours, content and rating
TARGET: Social Worker, social science teacher, street educators, TASOC, Mediator Social Revitalizing Youth Mediator Youth Animador Sociocultural, Family Educator , Teachers, Camp Monitor, Monitor Toy Library, Cultural Facilitator, Monitor Disability, Monitor Farm School, Technical Youth House, Youth Information Technician, Trainer of Trainers, Social Integration Technician, Social Educator, Senior Technical Educator Child Socio-care technicians, Sociocultural animation Technician, Educator Center Welcome, Therapist, Counselor Education, Youth Mediator, Educator Sexual Leisure Monitor .. Students of Psychology, Sociology, Teaching, Pedagogy, Psychology, Social Work, Social Education, Early Childhood Education, Social Integration, Nursing, Clinical Assistant ... associations, institutions, groups, civic centers, ..
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Distance and Continuing Training of educators
MSN: Section 3049 -36205 VIGO - Spain Tel / Fax.: 986-25 38 66 / Mobile: 677-52 37 07 Animation Educational Services http: / / # p/c/894F1F8444E59E89
hospital educator course
expert on youth violence
Mediator Course on Alcoholism
Mediator Course in drug addiction
- Introduce behavior patterns.
Group characteristics according to group dynamics, are:
- An association of two or more people.
- Members are considered as a group have a 'collective perception of unity ", a conscious identification with each other.

- There is a shared purpose. Members have the same goal.
- There is a sense of mutual dependency the satisfaction of needs. Members need to help each other to achieve the purposes for which compliance is met with a group.
- Members can communicate with each other. principles for the development group are: - meetings Enabling Environment: This refers to the physical space that should accommodate the number of members and how to work the same. You should feel comfortable. - Reduction of bullying, should aim at achieving good interpersonal relations, reduce tensions.
- Distributed Leadership: Encourage all members bring into play their skills and abilities to facilitate group process and achieving the target. - Formulation of appropriate target the interests of the group: The target must be chosen by common agreement among all members, should never be imposed. Must suit the age, potential and possibilities of the members to avoid the frustration of members for failure to inappropriate targets. - Flexibility: The group should not be rigid, it must adapt to changing circumstances both external and internal. - The consensus in decision-making: All decisions taken by the group must build on it. The base is full participation in a democratic environment. - Understanding the process to guide or change objectives: Participants should be aware of how interaction occurs, communication and productivity, for the purposes of structuring and restructuring situations that favor the group process. - Continuous Assessment: The group must analyze the process and how they are achieving their aims, through continuous evaluation. is important in any dynamic: - Meet the group and its characteristics. - Know the difference between individual and group work. - Analyze the stages through which the group evolves.
- Know the characteristics of groups
- Know the structure of grupo. - Analizar el papel del guía-mediador en el grupo.
- Conocer las diferentes técnicas grupales. - Saber seleccionar y aplicar una técnica grupal.
Duración: 200 horas.
oferta 120 euros
(+ envio+4%iva)
diploma, with number of hours, content and rating
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Specialist Group Dynamics Course
street worker Expert Education Course Street Senior Animator Educator Course Family Expert Family Education Course
Intervention with families at risk of exclusion hospital educator course
Course expert on youth violence
Mediator Course on Alcoholism
Mediator Course in drug addiction
mediate affective education course
Course mediator in social marginalization
Mediator Course abuse prevention
-36 205 3049 VIGO - Spain
Tel / Fax.: 986-25 38 66 / Mobile: 677-52 37 07
Animation Educational Services
ANIMATION, EDUCATIONAL AND LEISURE SERVICES - CIF B-36968808 - INSCR. Reg Mercantil de Pontevedra, Tomo 3178, Folio 100, Inscripción 1 ª, Hoja PO-39662
(According to Law 15/1999 of December 13, the protection of personal data, you. may at any time, modify or cancel this consent) More
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