What about friends, this time I happened to do something more attractive and interactive.
is why from now things will be much more dynamic for which need a lot of great help and participation.
As you know I consider myself a specialist in grilled chicken, as my addiction this dish has made me wise in all dimensions of the issue.
(ajaja that exaggerated)
Last year, as I discuss in my previous edition was a year of many good things for the Peruvians, as Peruvian food this made the world looking gastronomitas wealth of our country.
is true that we have a variety of delicious dishes that have made scrumptious to more than one. For this reason and because I just am a specialist in grilled chicken I've taken the challenge of creating innovative and delicious dishes for this year ... for this reason that I made the gaspollomica creativity contest.
This contest is very simple ... just have to think of a new dish, but this dish has as one of the major supplements the beloved chick.
I will be aware of their proposals and we will go commenting within a certain time escijeremos among all the dish that you like best ... will be great fun to imagine and create delicious dishes with our chick ..
I look forward to your great help and now my dear friends .... DARREN IDEASSS
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