Wednesday, January 20, 2010

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The Raid Redrado III

The third part was expected, but here it is. It had not really wanted to write and also there were some new elements that tried to complicate the plot, but as always, the truth came out, leaving a mockery of the critics of these macroeconomic policies.

You will have seen that recently But a U.S. judge has the Central Bank accounts in U.S. Federal Reserve, the opposition boasted of this as saying "we were right." Well, not quite so clear that seized an account, but it is a major account, it is only a transaction account, ie an account that is used to buy and sell dollars. Anywhere in the world this would be illegal, but you know how Uncle Sam, they believe they own the world and do what they want. Fortunately that situation has passed, those reservations were not freely available and did not affect the payment of debt. What if the vulture funds from friends of people want to hold all the opposition to take, as always, personal returns. Vulture funds are private buy cheap debt (buying debt means that the country owes to someone and that someone need or want the money by selling the debt to someone else for a lower price), after seeking to recover the debt purchase at face value and with interest plus benefits.

To make it clearer what the vulture funds above all I want is to line their pockets at the expense of developing countries are the worst of the neoliberal capitalist system. Luckily most of Argentina's reserves are in Basel (Switzerland) and then not allow any type of attachment or corruption in the movement of funds. This is for the opposition outright lying goes with what you want to do or what would happen if these reserves are released. They will not be seized, they will not disappear, they will not go into the pockets of the K or the vulture funds, will provide a guarantee on foreign debt payments that will generate that can refinance or modify debt structure to benefit the country.

ending to go there to do a bit of history. In 2005 he finished paying the debt with the IMF and Central Bank reserves president in charge was Mr. Redrado. Were almost 10 billion dollars at a time that Argentina had about 28 billion dollars in reserves, and at that time there was no problem in doing so, today is when there is 18 billion in excess of 48 billion. We must also see qui Én is are those behind this operetta media, the same as before the debt generated, officials De La Rua . For example, the champion of the struggle to preserve stocks, which he said are the wages of workers (who ya demostré que es mentira esa afirmación), el señor Morales, fue el que apoyo la ley de flexibilización laboral que facilitaba los despidos, la explotación de los trabajadores negando el pago de las horas extras y reducción de salarios, también fue el que le quito el 13% de los haberes a los jubilados, entre otras cosas. También está el señor Prat Gay, ex presidente del central, neoliberal como pocos, este muchacho era el que apoyó el corralito y permitió que los bancos se quedaran con el dinero de los ahorristas, es curioso que Nito Artaza abanderado de los ahorristas ahora comparta posición con él. ¿Se acuerdan de la declaración del default? ¿Se acuerdan de quién lo declaró? If it was Rodriguez Saa, the same as in 2002 left the country out of international financial channels, which helped create the debt, which intends to continue preventing the country succeed. Need I mention the hypocritical and deceitful Carrio? Lady who was an official of the dictatorship that helped create the debt, which every year creates and disassembles a political party, the only thing it does is throw bombs without any proof of what he says, one that represents the religious right to invade individual rights of Argentines, this lady who never did anything or the country or for his native province (Chaco), you do not say anything about it, one sinks. Well, Macri does not need to say anything, is ruining the city as ruined every company his dad let him manage, and that his family was one of the beneficiaries of the nationalization of private debt.

I missing several things to be explained is a very complex issue this. Try to do my best to explain the basics so they can understand the issue and not speak by the mouth of Goose. I did a review of all media issues, institutional issues, law, economics and history. I hope you learn something, I hope they learn to read between the lines and once and for all realize that the media is defending fascists and are only interested their own profits. The K will not be perfect but are doing a good job, much remains to be done, but no magic solutions, we must have patience. Its management is the best Frondizi and which from the very people who turned to him are trying to turn them over to them. Do not be fooled, in future postings I will try to show there is a Putsch in progress, trying to make a coup. We must defend the institutions that is true, but you have to defend the fascists who are not fulfilling their duties.

As Jauretche said: S i front is the Sociedad Rural , The Nation , the Jockey Club , I know where I belong I


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