Sunday, January 10, 2010

Baby Congratultions Sayings


I returned to the blog, I know it was abandoned. But I could not sit down to write, I left nothing. This time I chose to keep trying to create some social consciousness cyber forums Facebook (without much success).

Fortunately (or rather unfortunately) I have more reasons to write. The last time I realized I'm getting a little Kirchner. This is not because I think that the K are the saviors of the country, but so is opposition, a bunch of fascist thieves, the only thing these people do is criticize everything, do not stop to put a spoke in the wheel to management Kristina. They spend talking about institutions, but not respect to anything the Executive Branch, the worst part is that people do not respect. LORD LADY WAKE THE MEDIA IS BEING shitting OF LAUGHTER TO YOU. Only interested in protect their economic interests, are interested in 3 fuck the common welfare, social equality does not matter as long as they continue to keep their millions.

This is noted because all economic policies taken by the government are wrong. As I said in a posting past, the opposition proposed a universal child allowance, the National Executive the bag and now they spend ousted by making it seem that is to keep vagrants, etc. (another day I start to explain the economic advantages of a social plan as encouraging the growth of production, and social benefits). The theme of this new year is the subject Redrado, and apparently no one has an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the BCRA, which says the charter, the Constitution says and what are the tools of the state to develop economic policies will direct the future of the country. Today I'm dedicating myself to try to explain a little of this and make it as easy as possible for everyone to understand and do not walk around repeating lies.

First, Argentina is a country with a foreign debt that prevents him from being able to return to international financial markets at reasonable rates. is obvious because if a person owes the grocer, the newsstand, the paperboy, the greengrocer, etc. and do not pay no one will want to return to fiarle, and if you pay by not having solvency will want to charge high interest rates so high because of the risk they undergo. With international markets feel the same, if a country is not able to pay is not given, and provided you do so at very high prices. The National Executive he wants to continue pulling off the debt in order to renegotiate the remainder and get take away, gaining access to credit (Both for the state to private) and get a low interest rates allow for a sustainable development time. Now if you want to discuss the legitimacy of the foreign debt is another issue, in my opinion (and in 98% of the country) is illegitimate. But it must be paid in any case once paid grab their history of who generated the private debt and made it public and force them to pay what they owe to the Federal Government (that is the origin of modern foreign debt, private debt contracted and then as the State could not afford them in the hands of Cavallo took over her, forcing everyone to have to pay). Do not know if it's coincidence or what, but the same that indebted the country and taken to the default (cessation of debt payments) are the same people who today form the opposition.

Continuing the theme I will explain one of the parts of the problem which is now in vogue. To carry out economic policies the state has fiscal policy (government expenditure), tax policy (taxes) and monetary policy (issue and control the value of the currency). The first 2 policy be conducted in pesos and are the responsibility of the Executive. The latter is conducted in different currencies, mainly in pesos and dollars and is in charge of the Central Bank is autonomous. That is the main problem being treated now, any economic policy is totally dependent on all dependent on each other, but it turns out that the Central Bank is independent of the executive branch and therefore if the President decides to Central Bank monetary policies conflict with other economic policies of the Executive would endanger stability across the country, reaching lead the country into a new crisis (which is what the people want the opposition). Here is not that if K do one thing or another, governments come and go, the state is permanent, continue to keep the independent Central Bank is a danger to the government for those who will come. The executive branch through the Ministry of Economy es el que debe fijar las políticas económicas a seguir y el Congreso por medio de la aprobación de los Presupuestos Nacionales. Eso es lo que dice la Constitución Nacional, eso es respetar la institucionalidad. Que el Presidente del Central se quiera hacer el Cobos y llevar la contra al Ejecutivo es algo inconstitucional. La presidenta emite Decretos que son los equivalentes a las leyes del Congreso y Redrado está obligado a obedecerlas es lo que dice la Carta Orgánica del Central, punto. Si el Congreso o una Jueza desafían al Ejecutivo Nacional por hacer uso de sus atribuciones están yendo en contra de la independencia de poderes y violando la Constitución Nacional. No hay nada que discutir, esta operación mediática is only to further destabilize the Government is attacking corporate interests of big business groups.

here I hope to be able to explain what the problem is institutional issue. In a next posting I will explain the economic issue that brings the debt, the use of reserves and for all that say the media is lying gorilopolios .


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