In today's posting I'll try to explain two very important factors in understanding the situation of the country. I mean I've done since this investigation for months and today I find myself in a position to show results. May find it a bit shocking, but as always I'm as objective as possible and I refer only to empirical evidence. It's a fairly long posting, but please WHOLE Read it before drawing conclusions.
Women and Politics
The first issue to address is the decline of the country through the participation of women in political life. Before removing guesswork ask you to read everything and then think about it. Before starting the development lies a small historical review to show that in all cultures, women are synonymous with destruction. We have examples in the culture Abraham (composed of Jewish, Christian and Islamic) in the Bible that God caused take of Eden when Eve was a female human. In Greek mythology the gods sent the first woman, Pandora, with a box containing all the ills of the Earth to the Hindu Goddess of War and Destruction is Cali, Cleopatra was able to kneel to the leaders of the Roman Empire by putting at risk their conquests, now all the storms and destructive natural phenomena like hurricanes, they put a woman's name. As you can see women were always related to disasters around the story.
Argentina is no exception to the historical experience. This is a country that went through many difficult situations, but always behind the most difficult was a woman behind. We started at the origin of our country, before being a free country lived under the domination of the English Crown, which at that time represented by Isabel La Católica, a woman. Thanks to the struggle of our brave men well they achieve independence. It was true that after internal wars, but it was a revolutionary period where they forged the prosperity of our people.
Since its independence and formed after the country entered a period of prosperity, wealth and growth. Argentina was known as the breadbasket of the world, people came from all over the world to work and education in this country. The country became the ninth world power, until the decade of 50's this was so from that decade onwards began River Plate decay. Many blamed Peronism, but not so well. The fault was not Peronism itself, but a Peronist in particular, and one of its decisions: Eva Duarte de Peron and the female vote. Avoid impulse Since the constitutional amendment that allowed women to participate in the vote, the country began to decline in a string of military coups, which unlike the former, became genocidal regimes that plunged the country into misery.
In particular there was a de facto government that was the most violent and harmful. The so-called "Process of National Reorganization" of '76. This year the country was in crisis and a very serious the Cold War had beaten the region faced leftist forces against the forces of right, blood and fear through the streets. For the year 1976 the government was in the hands of Isabel Peron, a woman casually, people screamed for their management is completed, and the military did the same to remove it, thus beginning 7 years of death and destruction in the country.
ending in 1982, the military junta desperate to remain in power prompted the recovery of the Falklands, to restore the sovereignty of our islands. It turns out that in England would not lose its strategic position in the South Atlantic, therefore the two political leaders, the Queen and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, which incidentally are women, they fought back and thus began the war that killed hundreds of Argentine and managed and the destabilization necessary to remove the military from power.
successive governments during the country seemed to stabilize. But unfortunately as most people see on the street today the country is going through one of its worst moments. Just need to see who is in power, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner a woman, in the tradition of its kind is taking the country to ruin. But to be fair, she alone has no fault. We also have the side of the opposition that drives people destabilization. On the one hand the media monopolies led by Grupo Clarín whose owner is Mrs. Ernestina Herrera de Noble (who also helped a lot to the last dictatorship), the "Showbiz" with their spokespeople Mirtha Legrand Susana Gimenez, and finally the political opposition goriLilita led Carrio. All women.
Referring to historical evidence, I make a relationship in which the role of women in political life coincided with the worst stages in which the country was and is. It's time to end it, for the upcoming elections have to vote for a man with determination to finish once all the opposition and the ruling feminist.
Wireless Insecurity
The second issue I will address is the insecurity and its causes. On the one hand showed the participation of women in politics leads to trouble, this time of rampant insecurity on the one hand because the president does nothing, on the other side to the manipulation of the media thanks to the "Showbiz" and Grupo Clarin. But there is another very important factor I would say it is a determining factor in establishing the causes of insecurity, and cell phone use.
First of all we are talking about level of insecurity rather than crime rates. Insecure I mean not just the people victim of theft, murder and rape, but to the whole population, have been victims or not. Some time ago I was developing this theory, which found a direct relationship that insecurity began to increase since they started using cell phones in the country, but it seems I'm not the only one with this idea, since in these days researching the net I could find a study conducted jointly by 2 consultants to the UN support my theory. Then published a statistic that shows the results of the research done little in the Province of Buenos Aires.
Study conducted by the UN, the red line represents the level of insecurity the blue the percentage of the population with cell phones. Click to enlarge
As you saw the results indicate a direct link I will explain. The feeling that people have on the street is that there was insecurity in the '70s and '80s, which in these times you could walk down the street assured that nobody was going to do anything. At this time there were no cell phones, this technology began to arrive in the early '90s late '80s, where they were robbed of the above, the most powerful, because they had phones. Over the years more people from the middle class gained access to mobile telephony, but unfortunately this led to increased insecurity, remember the damn police, robberies of banks, the arrival of the drug. Already by 2000 many had phones, but not many could buy it for the economic situation, but this did not prevent the level of uncertainty increases. As early as 2006 when it was the moment where there was more more kidnappings 60% of the population had phones. We arrived at today, where insecurity is an everyday thing, where almost no one is safe, we find that nearly everyone has cell, from the richest to the poorest, from the latest model to the less bulky.
These are just dumps data into the chart, but we must take into account the reasons why the cell increased insecurity. Having a cell phone is a valuable item to be stolen, you think you can steal the phone at any time, even someone who wants a cell phone last time and not have to buy it, out to steal to buy or to purchase. The cell to have cameras, used to mark targets, photograph and videotape activities in a house to plan a robbery. Serves as a communication among thieves in operations, to be noticed before the police arrive, and so on. As you can see are not random numbers, but out of a logical analysis made and that thanks to these consultants could prove. Conclusions
Well, now that I probably will be swearing up and down the women, some idiot I'm being unfairly brand and some are giving me the reason I found the logic of my arguments I have to confess something. What I put up are pure pelotudeces are raving. What I wrote is actually a logical resource known as reductio ad absurdum (reduction to absurdity) that is used to expose fallacies.
A Fallacy is an invalid way of reasoning, this means that even though everything seems to match and look very nice does not mean it's true. For example the women known as Fallacy of Simple Cause, which makes it appear that a situation is caused by a simplistic explanation and presentation of facts by casual strengthens, but does not mean it's true but it is no coincidence, or a fallacy of the "straw man" which creates an individual whom to blame, in this case women. The country's situation se debe a varios elementos. Lo mismo pasa con el tema de los celulares, son falacias de causa y efecto donde se atribuye que 2 situaciones que ocurren al simultáneamente son causantes y consecuencias una de la otra. Al momento de citar a la ONU como fuente (cosa que es mentira porque el gráfico lo hice yo), recurrí a una falacia Ad Verecundiam, esto quiere decir que utilizo a alguien con autoridad, ya sea un organismo respetable o un profesional de renombre para afirmar mi punto, independientemente de si lo que digo es verdad o no. Justamente el Reductio ad Absurdum consiste en esto, en agarrar un argumento, utilizar la misma lógica y forma de desarrollo que tienen los que lo elaboraron para llevarla a un extremo ridículo y demostrar sus falacias, and how that argument is invalid.
Both arguments are reduced to the absurdity of the prevailing thoughts in this macho society, and ignorance of many people who is influenced by television. Saying that the country is or was bad for women is like blaming only the Peronist or just the military. To say that the blame for insecurity in the cell is like saying that is because there is no compulsory military service or because of Kris
What I show in this post is as a means to influence people. As fallacies used for carrying people on their side. For example showing biased truths that only see what they want to show, or by making chances as causalities or simply by professionals who have the title "Dr.", who claim to be the fiction of an independent journalist. People simply buy the message they send, but do not investigate if true, do not analyze the situation, look for other sources, do not ask for facts, not asking studies. Simply left to think on TV. That is unfortunate. My message today is do not be fooled, do not trust anything the media says, whether opponents or officials, if they are professionals or not, if known and unknown organizations. Investigate on their own, analyze data, checking sources, and above all things Draw your own conclusions. Sorry
the length of post, but if you cut a lost half the grace, besides if I waited a while between posting and posting many women would want to kill me, not worth it. Thanks for reading, hope you have enjoyed.
Women and Politics
The first issue to address is the decline of the country through the participation of women in political life. Before removing guesswork ask you to read everything and then think about it. Before starting the development lies a small historical review to show that in all cultures, women are synonymous with destruction. We have examples in the culture Abraham (composed of Jewish, Christian and Islamic) in the Bible that God caused take of Eden when Eve was a female human. In Greek mythology the gods sent the first woman, Pandora, with a box containing all the ills of the Earth to the Hindu Goddess of War and Destruction is Cali, Cleopatra was able to kneel to the leaders of the Roman Empire by putting at risk their conquests, now all the storms and destructive natural phenomena like hurricanes, they put a woman's name. As you can see women were always related to disasters around the story.
Argentina is no exception to the historical experience. This is a country that went through many difficult situations, but always behind the most difficult was a woman behind. We started at the origin of our country, before being a free country lived under the domination of the English Crown, which at that time represented by Isabel La Católica, a woman. Thanks to the struggle of our brave men well they achieve independence. It was true that after internal wars, but it was a revolutionary period where they forged the prosperity of our people.
Since its independence and formed after the country entered a period of prosperity, wealth and growth. Argentina was known as the breadbasket of the world, people came from all over the world to work and education in this country. The country became the ninth world power, until the decade of 50's this was so from that decade onwards began River Plate decay. Many blamed Peronism, but not so well. The fault was not Peronism itself, but a Peronist in particular, and one of its decisions: Eva Duarte de Peron and the female vote. Avoid impulse Since the constitutional amendment that allowed women to participate in the vote, the country began to decline in a string of military coups, which unlike the former, became genocidal regimes that plunged the country into misery.
In particular there was a de facto government that was the most violent and harmful. The so-called "Process of National Reorganization" of '76. This year the country was in crisis and a very serious the Cold War had beaten the region faced leftist forces against the forces of right, blood and fear through the streets. For the year 1976 the government was in the hands of Isabel Peron, a woman casually, people screamed for their management is completed, and the military did the same to remove it, thus beginning 7 years of death and destruction in the country.
ending in 1982, the military junta desperate to remain in power prompted the recovery of the Falklands, to restore the sovereignty of our islands. It turns out that in England would not lose its strategic position in the South Atlantic, therefore the two political leaders, the Queen and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, which incidentally are women, they fought back and thus began the war that killed hundreds of Argentine and managed and the destabilization necessary to remove the military from power.
successive governments during the country seemed to stabilize. But unfortunately as most people see on the street today the country is going through one of its worst moments. Just need to see who is in power, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner a woman, in the tradition of its kind is taking the country to ruin. But to be fair, she alone has no fault. We also have the side of the opposition that drives people destabilization. On the one hand the media monopolies led by Grupo Clarín whose owner is Mrs. Ernestina Herrera de Noble (who also helped a lot to the last dictatorship), the "Showbiz" with their spokespeople Mirtha Legrand Susana Gimenez, and finally the political opposition goriLilita led Carrio. All women.
Referring to historical evidence, I make a relationship in which the role of women in political life coincided with the worst stages in which the country was and is. It's time to end it, for the upcoming elections have to vote for a man with determination to finish once all the opposition and the ruling feminist.
Wireless Insecurity
The second issue I will address is the insecurity and its causes. On the one hand showed the participation of women in politics leads to trouble, this time of rampant insecurity on the one hand because the president does nothing, on the other side to the manipulation of the media thanks to the "Showbiz" and Grupo Clarin. But there is another very important factor I would say it is a determining factor in establishing the causes of insecurity, and cell phone use.
First of all we are talking about level of insecurity rather than crime rates. Insecure I mean not just the people victim of theft, murder and rape, but to the whole population, have been victims or not. Some time ago I was developing this theory, which found a direct relationship that insecurity began to increase since they started using cell phones in the country, but it seems I'm not the only one with this idea, since in these days researching the net I could find a study conducted jointly by 2 consultants to the UN support my theory. Then published a statistic that shows the results of the research done little in the Province of Buenos Aires.

Study conducted by the UN, the red line represents the level of insecurity the blue the percentage of the population with cell phones. Click to enlarge
As you saw the results indicate a direct link I will explain. The feeling that people have on the street is that there was insecurity in the '70s and '80s, which in these times you could walk down the street assured that nobody was going to do anything. At this time there were no cell phones, this technology began to arrive in the early '90s late '80s, where they were robbed of the above, the most powerful, because they had phones. Over the years more people from the middle class gained access to mobile telephony, but unfortunately this led to increased insecurity, remember the damn police, robberies of banks, the arrival of the drug. Already by 2000 many had phones, but not many could buy it for the economic situation, but this did not prevent the level of uncertainty increases. As early as 2006 when it was the moment where there was more more kidnappings 60% of the population had phones. We arrived at today, where insecurity is an everyday thing, where almost no one is safe, we find that nearly everyone has cell, from the richest to the poorest, from the latest model to the less bulky.
These are just dumps data into the chart, but we must take into account the reasons why the cell increased insecurity. Having a cell phone is a valuable item to be stolen, you think you can steal the phone at any time, even someone who wants a cell phone last time and not have to buy it, out to steal to buy or to purchase. The cell to have cameras, used to mark targets, photograph and videotape activities in a house to plan a robbery. Serves as a communication among thieves in operations, to be noticed before the police arrive, and so on. As you can see are not random numbers, but out of a logical analysis made and that thanks to these consultants could prove. Conclusions
Well, now that I probably will be swearing up and down the women, some idiot I'm being unfairly brand and some are giving me the reason I found the logic of my arguments I have to confess something. What I put up are pure pelotudeces are raving. What I wrote is actually a logical resource known as reductio ad absurdum (reduction to absurdity) that is used to expose fallacies.
A Fallacy is an invalid way of reasoning, this means that even though everything seems to match and look very nice does not mean it's true. For example the women known as Fallacy of Simple Cause, which makes it appear that a situation is caused by a simplistic explanation and presentation of facts by casual strengthens, but does not mean it's true but it is no coincidence, or a fallacy of the "straw man" which creates an individual whom to blame, in this case women. The country's situation se debe a varios elementos. Lo mismo pasa con el tema de los celulares, son falacias de causa y efecto donde se atribuye que 2 situaciones que ocurren al simultáneamente son causantes y consecuencias una de la otra. Al momento de citar a la ONU como fuente (cosa que es mentira porque el gráfico lo hice yo), recurrí a una falacia Ad Verecundiam, esto quiere decir que utilizo a alguien con autoridad, ya sea un organismo respetable o un profesional de renombre para afirmar mi punto, independientemente de si lo que digo es verdad o no. Justamente el Reductio ad Absurdum consiste en esto, en agarrar un argumento, utilizar la misma lógica y forma de desarrollo que tienen los que lo elaboraron para llevarla a un extremo ridículo y demostrar sus falacias, and how that argument is invalid.
Both arguments are reduced to the absurdity of the prevailing thoughts in this macho society, and ignorance of many people who is influenced by television. Saying that the country is or was bad for women is like blaming only the Peronist or just the military. To say that the blame for insecurity in the cell is like saying that is because there is no compulsory military service or because of Kris
What I show in this post is as a means to influence people. As fallacies used for carrying people on their side. For example showing biased truths that only see what they want to show, or by making chances as causalities or simply by professionals who have the title "Dr.", who claim to be the fiction of an independent journalist. People simply buy the message they send, but do not investigate if true, do not analyze the situation, look for other sources, do not ask for facts, not asking studies. Simply left to think on TV. That is unfortunate. My message today is do not be fooled, do not trust anything the media says, whether opponents or officials, if they are professionals or not, if known and unknown organizations. Investigate on their own, analyze data, checking sources, and above all things Draw your own conclusions. Sorry
the length of post, but if you cut a lost half the grace, besides if I waited a while between posting and posting many women would want to kill me, not worth it. Thanks for reading, hope you have enjoyed.
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