What about friends, this time I happened to do something more attractive and interactive. is why from now things will be much more dynamic for which need a lot of great help and participation. As you know I consider myself a specialist in grilled chicken, as my addiction this dish has made me wise in all dimensions of the issue. (ajaja that exaggerated) Last year, as I discuss in my previous edition was a year of many good things for the Peruvians, as Peruvian food this made the world looking gastronomitas wealth of our country. is true that we have a variety of delicious dishes that have made scrumptious to more than one. For this reason and because I just am a specialist in grilled chicken I've taken the challenge of creating innovative and delicious dishes for this year ... for this reason that I made the gaspollomica creativity contest. This contest is very simple ... just have to think of a new dish, but this dish has as one of the major supplements the beloved chick. I will be aware of their proposals and we will go commenting within a certain time escijeremos among all the dish that you like best ... will be great fun to imagine and create delicious dishes with our chick .. I look forward to your great help and now my dear friends .... DARREN IDEASSS !
At this point of the blog and despite few posts that I have noticed that bothers me terribly that people talk the talk, speaking without knowing the subject, that people who repeat everything you see in the media, people that instead of think is intended. That is why today I will address a particular topic, social plans. But rather than embrace it from the political implications I will try to explain what it means in economic terms and because they are a good idea.
To begin must do a bit of history of economic thought. The capitalist system was always a topic of fights among economists is that and participation must be the rule in the market. Since its inception it was thought that the State should mediate as little as possible, those who support this theory are known as liberal, said there was no to get into the market that had to let everything flow. Among them was a group known as Physiocrats, these people believed that all production was natural, agriculture, all that was the nature and the rest, as artisans, industrialists, etc were sterile (who reminds them that?). But the industrial revolution and the shift of people to urban centers showed that it is not. Also managed to establish a mindset of laissez faire laissez passer (laissez-faire, let go), this phrase advocated the non-state participation in the economy, leaving everything to the market. In the late nineteenth century capitalism broke down and the state had to intervene, this is where it restated its intervention, but the Liberals won again. Result we have the Great Depression of the '30s. In order to overcome the worst economic crisis facing capitalism had turned again to the state and economic theory Keynesianism, named after its greatest exponent John Maynard Keynes. This man said that the state had to get into the job driving the economy and consumption. He said that if necessary would have to pay people to remove the stones and replace, and based on that if people have jobs, received a salary and have a salary could buy things and so generate an increase in private consumption that would come to meet.
Here is when it begins a new "battle" between economists, on the one hand and the other liberal Keynesians. Some saying the state did not have market share and others said that the State was the one who should regulate it. Each side has its justifications and its theories. And the truth is that neither is completely wrong. For the 70 Keynesian capitalism is in crisis giving you the chance to return to the Liberals, now know as "neo liberal" (although in the background is the same.) Argentina suffered a great deal in this model through the imposition of U.S. imperialism. Since the last dictatorship began declining state involvement in economic issues, reaching almost complete reduction in the mid-'90s under the rules of the Washington Consensus macroeconomic (this was to get rid of all state regulation to avoid markets, etc.) and menemato. The results are well seen in 2001, people had no job, no money in the street, had gone to the situation of barter, not able to pay for commitments to external entities, etc..
postings in the past to explain some of the steps I use this model to overcome the crisis, social plans are also part of these economic measures. And this is very simple to understand, it works something like this:
For example take the Universal by Son, to every family with children who have unmet needs is awarded $ 180 each child. The first thing people think this gentrified thoughts encourages laziness, they will buy anything but what they need to live and that does not work, that only helps the poor and bla bla bla. Well what of vagrancy might be true as not, then spend it on anything that helps only the poor is a lie. The people who are given this plan has no capacity to save, it means that everything you give it spends, no matter what, but I spent. All that money you spend 33% more or less returned to the state in taxes and the rest goes to private. With the 33% levied by the state returns to fund more public works or more plans or whatever, and the rest covers the cost private and has a profit. But it turns out to be an increase in the population with purchasing power, private companies will have to increase production to meet demand for this, among other things, have to increase the workforce, thus creating paid jobs. If there is an increase of labor means that more people will be receiving a salary, the more people paid on average will have more things to buy and we will have to produce more, and the more there is more work will be, and so continues the vicious cycle that generates growth in the economy. This is one reason why the country emerged from the crisis.
Now assuming that all employers are honest and have a full blank payroll, paying good wages, fulfilling the law, etc.., With Over time the number of people living in social programs would decline because they are not part of the population with unmet needs, and the State in turn could use these funds to invest to improve the conditions of the country. This is what it says Keynesian theory and the results can be seen on the street (not the biased media).
The problem in Argentina is given in that 30 years of social neglect can not be fixed in 5 years, it takes time. There are guys who never saw their parents work through the policies of the '90s, people losing their jobs and not turned back to retrieve to various addictions, uneducated people who can not comply with jobs that require skilled labor, etc. Because let's be fair, an uneducated woman who lives in a box, which has 5 children, kids, is not able to go to work. That's why the state has the obligation to continue providing assistance, whether they spend it on anything, it is important that in future this means an increase in demand for labor, which will facilitate their children if you have access to decent work and that their grandchildren could be educated out of poverty and marginalization.
When watching a social plan, not to repeat what that tells the people of upper class. Think about what benefits it brings to the economy and what benefits it brings to people who really need it, the rich do not need the State to live well, the poor if the State need not live badly. So you have to be supportive and try to understand what the other person's. Because they said that living in a villa with a thousand pesos a month is not nice, do not go as well as many would have you believe.
A little long this post, but I wanted to get everything in one publication, I hope you serve something. Thanks to everyone who sent me messages of support and gratitude All I can say is that I know I owe you and I paid the primary, secondary and university, I just back what you helped me to get.
news Fill them fireproof. will feel that the information the drowning, but believe intelligent. will seem they are thinking, their feeling of motion without moving. And be happy, because the facts of that species do not change.
The third part was expected, but here it is. It had not really wanted to write and also there were some new elements that tried to complicate the plot, but as always, the truth came out, leaving a mockery of the critics of these macroeconomic policies.
You will have seen that recently But a U.S. judge has the Central Bank accounts in U.S. Federal Reserve, the opposition boasted of this as saying "we were right." Well, not quite so clear that seized an account, but it is a major account, it is only a transaction account, ie an account that is used to buy and sell dollars. Anywhere in the world this would be illegal, but you know how Uncle Sam, they believe they own the world and do what they want. Fortunately that situation has passed, those reservations were not freely available and did not affect the payment of debt. What if the vulture funds from friends of people want to hold all the opposition to take, as always, personal returns. Vulture funds are private buy cheap debt (buying debt means that the country owes to someone and that someone need or want the money by selling the debt to someone else for a lower price), after seeking to recover the debt purchase at face value and with interest plus benefits.
To make it clearer what the vulture funds above all I want is to line their pockets at the expense of developing countries are the worst of the neoliberal capitalist system. Luckily most of Argentina's reserves are in Basel (Switzerland) and then not allow any type of attachment or corruption in the movement of funds. This is for the opposition outright lying goes with what you want to do or what would happen if these reserves are released. They will not be seized, they will not disappear, they will not go into the pockets of the K or the vulture funds, will provide a guarantee on foreign debt payments that will generate that can refinance or modify debt structure to benefit the country.
ending to go there to do a bit of history. In 2005 he finished paying the debt with the IMF and Central Bank reserves president in charge was Mr. Redrado. Were almost 10 billion dollars at a time that Argentina had about 28 billion dollars in reserves, and at that time there was no problem in doing so, today is when there is 18 billion in excess of 48 billion. We must also see qui Én is are those behind this operetta media, the same as before the debt generated, officials De La Rua . For example, the champion of the struggle to preserve stocks, which he said are the wages of workers (who ya demostré que es mentira esa afirmación), el señor Morales, fue el que apoyo la ley de flexibilización laboral que facilitaba los despidos, la explotación de los trabajadores negando el pago de las horas extras y reducción de salarios, también fue el que le quito el 13% de los haberes a los jubilados, entre otras cosas. También está el señor Prat Gay, ex presidente del central, neoliberal como pocos, este muchacho era el que apoyó el corralito y permitió que los bancos se quedaran con el dinero de los ahorristas, es curioso que Nito Artaza abanderado de los ahorristas ahora comparta posición con él. ¿Se acuerdan de la declaración del default? ¿Se acuerdan de quién lo declaró? If it was Rodriguez Saa, the same as in 2002 left the country out of international financial channels, which helped create the debt, which intends to continue preventing the country succeed. Need I mention the hypocritical and deceitful Carrio? Lady who was an official of the dictatorship that helped create the debt, which every year creates and disassembles a political party, the only thing it does is throw bombs without any proof of what he says, one that represents the religious right to invade individual rights of Argentines, this lady who never did anything or the country or for his native province (Chaco), you do not say anything about it, one sinks. Well, Macri does not need to say anything, is ruining the city as ruined every company his dad let him manage, and that his family was one of the beneficiaries of the nationalization of private debt.
I missing several things to be explained is a very complex issue this. Try to do my best to explain the basics so they can understand the issue and not speak by the mouth of Goose. I did a review of all media issues, institutional issues, law, economics and history. I hope you learn something, I hope they learn to read between the lines and once and for all realize that the media is defending fascists and are only interested their own profits. The K will not be perfect but are doing a good job, much remains to be done, but no magic solutions, we must have patience. Its management is the best Frondizi and which from the very people who turned to him are trying to turn them over to them. Do not be fooled, in future postings I will try to show there is a Putsch in progress, trying to make a coup. We must defend the institutions that is true, but you have to defend the fascists who are not fulfilling their duties.
As Jauretche said: S i front is the Sociedad Rural , The Nation , the Jockey Club , I know where I belong I
Well, in the last posting a bit concerned to explain the issue of institutional and make a little history to remember who is who in this conflict. Now follow the second part of the economy.
As I said before the BCRA is the entity responsible for monetary policy. Is the entity that protects the dollars and issues pesos (eye does not believe in the Central building is a safe with all the dollars, they are stored out there and participate in various international organizations). In Argentina's economy every dollar has to have a backup in dollars, this is the exchange rate, each $ 3.84 (more or less) must have $ 1 in the central reservation. But this does not mean that every dollar that is in the central must have $ 3.84 in the street.
The amount of dollars circulating in the economy is called the monetary base, an exaggerated increase in the monetary base (as it wants the opposition) would imply a possible hyperinflation and that all would go to $ prices. People have more to spend and therefore trainers produce increasing prices, but it appears that prices react faster than their pockets, this means that prices rise before people have that money. Having no money in the pockets of people can not buy everything, as you can not buy everything producers have excess production, have excess production as they have to reduce production of the next period, when lowering the production are lost, have lost have to adjust, they have to adjust, in accordance with layoffs, people become unemployed, if no work no income, no income and can not buy, do not buy the producers are left with merchandise and the vicious circle continues. This is how the economy where there is government intervention in monetary policy, in any developed country in the world happens (in the U.S. did something similar and so began the latest global crisis.)
To avoid this, the BCRA does something called "sterilize the currency," is that every time they enter dollars into the country only a part of them is offset by the increase in the monetary base (only the necessary), the rest by issuing bonds (a bond is a future action that contains interest, this means that if you give me $ 1 today when the bond copper going to have the dollar + interest). With sterilization remains the expected value of the currency. A TCRCE (exchange rate stable and competitive real) as it keeps this country is part of the package that holds the macroeconomic management (the TCRCE makes exporters earn more by selling dollars, and causes a reduction making imports more expensive and thus favoring the domestic industry has to produce go than previously imported).
This monetary policy can be carried out having enough dollars in the Central control the value of the currency . Argentina now has a surplus of around 18 billion dollars over a stockpile of nearly 48 billion. This means that many more foreign currency is the monetary base and it can also keep TCRCE. These currencies were achieved due to the set of macroeconomic measures by name, not the grace of Mr. Redrado only. This means that if the government wants to pay the debt with the excess of reserves or free reserves, that will not adversely affect the economy. There will be an increase in the monetary base is not going to generate inflation, nor the TCREC is going to be affected are all lies that the opposition media advertising. Moreover a similar policy was adopted by the U.S. to save banks after of the crisis, and had no negative impact on this measure, was caused more damage to people who say that in Argentina there are "legal uncertainty."
The Central Bank is obliged to sell dollars if anyone requires it, no matter whether the state or private, that is one of its functions. Media reports say that Kristina wants to "silver slapping" the central, like take out the dollars and not have consideration on the books of Central. This is also a lie. Those dollars to acquire what Executive does is to issue a bond or a promissory note to Central, you have to do this is to sterilize the currency (which is the reverse of what we explain earlier, as are dollars that come out in time to issue bonds as you have to do is not remove pesos from circulation) to not generate the above problems. Once issued the promissory note will be paid over time in pesos (dollars are bought in dollars) with the proceeds to the National Treasury, do not forget that there are trade and fiscal surpluses (exports is more than what is imported, and collected more than what is spent, this means that if you can replace what was borrowed. What happens now Redrado is not to drop the dollars, and supported by the opposition says a rant , is illegal, violating the autonomy and bla bla bla. The president of the Central violates the Charter by disobeying a decree weighing Act (the CO said that the President can not deny the laws), and it is failing in his duties by refusing to sell dollars. So it is more than justified the waiver request and subsequent dismissal in this case those that are destroying the institutions is the "people" of the opposition.
Back something I wanted to short turned into a report of 3 posts, but good is better and I prefer to explain everything well and did not walk repeating what the media says fascists out there. In this posting I explained a little about the economy, the least you need to know. In the next I'll talk a little about history and refute other arguments that people use the opposition to violate the institutions of the National Executive.
I returned to the blog, I know it was abandoned. But I could not sit down to write, I left nothing. This time I chose to keep trying to create some social consciousness cyber forums Facebook (without much success).
Fortunately (or rather unfortunately) I have more reasons to write. The last time I realized I'm getting a little Kirchner. This is not because I think that the K are the saviors of the country, but so is opposition, a bunch of fascist thieves, the only thing these people do is criticize everything, do not stop to put a spoke in the wheel to management Kristina. They spend talking about institutions, but not respect to anything the Executive Branch, the worst part is that people do not respect. LORD LADY WAKE THE MEDIA IS BEING shitting OF LAUGHTER TO YOU. Only interested in protect their economic interests, are interested in 3 fuck the common welfare, social equality does not matter as long as they continue to keep their millions.
This is noted because all economic policies taken by the government are wrong. As I said in a posting past, the opposition proposed a universal child allowance, the National Executive the bag and now they spend ousted by making it seem that is to keep vagrants, etc. (another day I start to explain the economic advantages of a social plan as encouraging the growth of production, and social benefits). The theme of this new year is the subject Redrado, and apparently no one has an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the BCRA, which says the charter, the Constitution says and what are the tools of the state to develop economic policies will direct the future of the country. Today I'm dedicating myself to try to explain a little of this and make it as easy as possible for everyone to understand and do not walk around repeating lies.
First, Argentina is a country with a foreign debt that prevents him from being able to return to international financial markets at reasonable rates. is obvious because if a person owes the grocer, the newsstand, the paperboy, the greengrocer, etc. and do not pay no one will want to return to fiarle, and if you pay by not having solvency will want to charge high interest rates so high because of the risk they undergo. With international markets feel the same, if a country is not able to pay is not given, and provided you do so at very high prices. The National Executive he wants to continue pulling off the debt in order to renegotiate the remainder and get take away, gaining access to credit (Both for the state to private) and get a low interest rates allow for a sustainable development time. Now if you want to discuss the legitimacy of the foreign debt is another issue, in my opinion (and in 98% of the country) is illegitimate. But it must be paid in any case once paid grab their history of who generated the private debt and made it public and force them to pay what they owe to the Federal Government (that is the origin of modern foreign debt, private debt contracted and then as the State could not afford them in the hands of Cavallo took over her, forcing everyone to have to pay). Do not know if it's coincidence or what, but the same that indebted the country and taken to the default (cessation of debt payments) are the same people who today form the opposition.
Continuing the theme I will explain one of the parts of the problem which is now in vogue. To carry out economic policies the state has fiscal policy (government expenditure), tax policy (taxes) and monetary policy (issue and control the value of the currency). The first 2 policy be conducted in pesos and are the responsibility of the Executive. The latter is conducted in different currencies, mainly in pesos and dollars and is in charge of the Central Bank is autonomous. That is the main problem being treated now, any economic policy is totally dependent on all dependent on each other, but it turns out that the Central Bank is independent of the executive branch and therefore if the President decides to Central Bank monetary policies conflict with other economic policies of the Executive would endanger stability across the country, reaching lead the country into a new crisis (which is what the people want the opposition). Here is not that if K do one thing or another, governments come and go, the state is permanent, continue to keep the independent Central Bank is a danger to the government for those who will come. The executive branch through the Ministry of Economy es el que debe fijar las políticas económicas a seguir y el Congreso por medio de la aprobación de los Presupuestos Nacionales. Eso es lo que dice la Constitución Nacional, eso es respetar la institucionalidad. Que el Presidente del Central se quiera hacer el Cobos y llevar la contra al Ejecutivo es algo inconstitucional. La presidenta emite Decretos que son los equivalentes a las leyes del Congreso y Redrado está obligado a obedecerlas es lo que dice la Carta Orgánica del Central, punto. Si el Congreso o una Jueza desafían al Ejecutivo Nacional por hacer uso de sus atribuciones están yendo en contra de la independencia de poderes y violando la Constitución Nacional. No hay nada que discutir, esta operación mediática is only to further destabilize the Government is attacking corporate interests of big business groups.
here I hope to be able to explain what the problem is institutional issue. In a next posting I will explain the economic issue that brings the debt, the use of reserves and for all that say the media is lying gorilopolios .