The whore that Carrió Poverty is a scandal, and how we go home?
Now that more or less, and arises as poverty is measured and what are their origins I will try to explain why it pisses me off that the Catholic Church and their representatives to talk about it. I'll try not to get into theological arguments against biblical shit but I'll go to the humane, this is going to be against people and not against their religion and their gods.
As I said earlier the problem of poverty began during the 70s. Mishandling of State for the government of the time and the protection given to those most had made the middle class instead of climbing Argentina in their purchasing power, virtually eliminating it falter. This has been known since then, but nobody said anything, because when someone spoke disappeared and nobody wanted to go.
As everyone knows the church played a key role during the last dictatorship in our country. Not only helped the de facto government was established, but also were part of state terrorism, helping to disappear and torture other Argentines (also helped the disappearance of their own members, we have the case of the French nuns in Misiones). The church helped establish the beginnings of poverty as we know, and now worry about it.
The bishops, priests, cardinals, nuns, etc. speak of poverty as they move from one side to Mercedes Benz, while occupying public lands donated by the state (and do not pay property taxes or vehicle). They talk about poverty when they receive more subsidies than any public or communal. They talk about poverty when they made vows of poverty to eat 4 times per day and are not deprived of anything. If one goes through the center or Cañitas may see priests eating in expensive restaurants, they use gold plated jewelry and silk clothing. These people do not make any sacrifice to take those votes despite talk about poverty.
The Pope said that "poverty is a scandal," while the Vatican bank has more than 100 billion euros in its accounts, while "Santa" home is bathed in gold and jewels. The Vatican is the richest state in the world. And all his wealth was earned through genocide, rape, robbery, looting and lying. But remember the conquest of America in the hands of the inquisitors Catholics. But if the church did a lot for the poor remember Mother Teresa of Calcutta! The lady was a fundamentalist opened where the poor would die, did not help anyone except his own ego. Remember one of the phrases "There is something very beautiful to see the poor accept their fate, suffering as the Passion of Christ. The game world gains a lot with the suffering. " And people say that poverty is a scandal.
must do something to end poverty that is true. And what does the church? Does absolutely nothing. Tell of the work that Caritas does, but in reality serves as a transfer. People donate to Caritas and this gives a the poor (if they get something, because everything is often stored in warehouses), would be like saying that you pay the salary is a bank teller because it's giving you the money, but that is not the thing . The work of the Band-Aids, poor things only help them puppets who are faithful, filling her head to the poor in need of hope. This is not aid, that is indoctrination and conformity, if you really do something every time there would be less poor.
also complain that the national government does nothing to help the poor and poverty for them grows. But they say nothing of the benefits they receive from Mauri (ie is more likely that Macri). The budget 2009 the destination city government about 700 million (since 2002 received the soup kitchens) of dollars for private education (mostly Catholic schools) in the form of grants, rather than that money will come to school Unlike public and private money does not receive the tuition that students pay (which by the way each year is greater). What is fascinating about this case is that they are giving 200 million more than last year, and where does this money? Will think that increased revenue, but it is not. If you look at the full budget will see that the development plan of the villages received cut by the same amount.
Then in what is left? If poverty is wrong and we must fight, why not promote public education, secular and free for all, why not start to get rid of all the wealth product of criminal acts, why not attack that led to poverty why not ask the Vatican to help them? I'll tell you why, because they do not want to touch them go to work, because they need power because the people are stirring up the shit you see, because Christianity loses power every day in the world because plainly are bastards who want to poor and ignorant world to better control them.
I said it before and I say back the whore that the Carrier. Argentina have to wake up, take off your blindfold from her eyes and do something for your children. Do not give your will and your money to a group of genocide, rapists and backward looking riches for themselves. Fuck up say ENOUGH!
This publication is one of my best, I know. I tried to be as clear as possible, but this is not my week. In other supplies going to talk about my atheism and a report on behalf of public school. Thanks for understanding, and thanks for reading.
The church speaks of poverty is defending these people: a torturer, a rapist and a Nazi.