Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Trackball Fell Out Glue

it is impossible to implement the death penalty in Argentina

For a start there to establish that the death penalty in Argentina is quite simply impossible to implement because it is prohibited by the Constitution the Pact of San Jose de Costa Rica and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , Argentinas existing penalties are contained in the Argentine Penal Code Law 11179, before starting to talk about laws first read them.

This means that in order to establish it not only have to totally change the whole Argentine legal framework but there are 2 that violate international treaties with constitutional standing. To order that respects the laws must first understand them and respect them. To request the death penalty is to advocacy of hatred and violence, a discourse of this nature is also a crime punishable by INADI .

According to the theory of those calling for the death penalty, it reduces crime and violence. This is a map countries where we mark the death penalty when applied. According to the Global Peace Index this is the map of the countries most and least peaceful. This shows that the death penalty does not reduce the rate of violence and crime, as violent and insecure countries are those that have the death penalty, we should also note that many of the most violent countries in a state of permanent war, but it is the case of United States that has institutionalized the death penalty and is in a position much lower than Argentina in the ranking of peaceful countries (we talk about inner peace and not external) .

The crime problem is not resolved resolves punishment with prevention. To prevent crime is to attack the real evil of society, poverty. The safest countries are those where the distribution of wealth is more equitable and per capita income rates higher. And not punishing stronger, justice is not synonymous with punishment, stands for the common good, social welfare, so that society is well everyone has to be good, while there are poor, uneducated children, people living on the street and discrimination will never be justice.

The leading causes of death in Argentina are traffic accidents and cardiovascular diseases. But nobody comes to ask for safer roads or public hospitals with more budget. Drug addiction is a disease that is destroying another generation, but is cheaper and easier to kill the addict to deal with, another reality is that more people die from drug use that as a victim of a drug addict.

Everyone is free to comment, but before you think you have to learn. A debate must be based on fundamentals, not fads. This contribution is to inform themselves more about the situation and stop to pay attention to TV characters who seldom know what they say, and evidence that this issue does not know anything.
Before leaving 2 things you need to think before implementing the death penalty. If the problem is that judges do not imprison (which is not true because the prisons are overcrowded), leaving free the guilty, is it logical to give those people the power to corrupt decide on the life of another person, who can guarantee that they will convict who is responsible? If an order and executing the innocent and then displayed the culprit, who will give life to that person murdered by the state?

is our country, not his country. The people want justice, you death penalty. Differentiated terms, think and turn off the TV.


Basic Indicators Health Ministry

Amnesty International UN human rights

death penalty in the world


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