do not know what held the rest of my countrymen tomorrow, Extremadura, but if I have clear what I celebrate it. Celebrate the good fortune of growing up in the streets and fields of my village, playing with my friends to games of a lifetime no more dangerous than we ourselves were looking for, enters into the old cemetery tours, endless games of football in the street, Rinconá or copla field, being able to go a thousand times asparagus to tagarnillas to criaillas or simply the field as and when we wanted, the river, mall, the mountains, the power to have made the oak to which we climbed our second home, the power going into all the gardens and fences that we wanted to, like the owner or not, Jart strawberries, figs, watermelons, melons ... ..... just because it was fun and risky.
enters into being able to meet so many good people in the countryside, having heard the stories and advice from Juan Antonio Farragua , the follies of Feliciano, the white mule, the crazy, the back of his torda old voices proclaiming that he and no other was the author of all the songs of Julio Iglesias, others had been stolen and enriched with them, speaking of the box laser, particle accelerator, which went for snuff with Castuera the mule because he said that in the tight of the people he had been poisoned with the intent to kill, the Chacha Huerta , which consisted bones and wise remedies for all ills, guille, poor guille, which held (a little drunk, a little naive and a lot did not go to school and have been working in the field from eight years ) that the moon could not be much larger than a soccer ball and a thousand more nonsense, or so many others that I forget now or that would not fit in one hundred entries.
enters into Growing up between sheep, goats, dogs, cats, chickens, geese, mules, donkeys, horses, pigs and a thousand more bugs, and so many killings at home, have done belly sausage, chorizo, salami, musta eaten later. Have seen a million cranes, in heaven and on earth, having seen and heard the night owls, the owls at dusk, he saw the hare running, the lizards, foxes, have been flying all kinds of eagles that may exist, kites, a vulture, having heard her sing the partridges, the finches, cuckoos and even the nightingale, that afternoon in the mall.
enters into the heat of summer, cold winter and spring flowers, the oaks, almond trees, olive trees, broom, rock rose and pine trees, dirt roads, mud, storms , wind, rain and all the days snow.
celebrare And of course proud to say that I am a countryman of Pizarro and Hernan Cortes, Valdivia, Orellana and all others, Zurbarán, Espronceda, Carolina Coronado, Gabriel y Galán, Luis Chamizo of Extreme and Calderon, that it plays in the NBA, to talk with my speech and not another, to say that Merida, Caceres, Badajoz, Plasencia, Extremadura Trujillo and all are my whole house.
enters into, well, my father decided to return to town when I was five, because they may Madrid, where I was born or any other place better for living than Extremadura, people will give me a thousand reasons to support that, but not Madrid or anywhere else, part of me and never will be, there is only one place where I never feel this place is strange and Extremadura, and no remedy, I am and Extremadura Extremadura will be provided. A great honor ... ... and you know, who do not have to wear.
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