The National Being
Duro de Domar Viewing found some inspiration to write a few paragraphs, I do not leave a message but I want to dump transcendental what came to my mind. This article may find it child and even patriotism corny, but I want to clarify that this is not my intention.
As should have noticed, I'm attracted, fascinated and could even be said for social phenomena, especially those that revolve around a figure which is worshiped. Earlier talk on the Internet and the gods, how people look at them meet their needs and project stocks. To to explain wherein lies the success of an icon is necessary, in my opinion, analyzing the company itself erect achievement. The heroes represent everything that a society values \u200b\u200bas positive, everything good, everything admirable, a hero is one who performs deeds worthy of praise, which overcomes adversity, one who reaches the Gloria. A hero is an ideal, is the very essence of a people is what we all want to be.
The great internal conflict in Argentina has always been to define the "national", that which differentiates us over other nations, what unites us, that which defines us, we look in the mirror of history we find it a reflection nice. The problem is that this "national" was always an excuse for the ruling classes to maintain their hierarchy in the Church and the Army is the identity some say, "God, Country and Family" in the gaucho and the native peoples , the true owners of the land, say others, in the Old urope could be too, this country did the immigrants. The truth is that, although many do not like, we are a little bit of everything. A melting pot of races and cultures from which they inherit the best and worst, Argentina is a reflection of the world. The "National Being" is just that what all renegades, we are proud, we are humble, we are lazy, we are workers, we're smart, we are happy, we are troubled, we are fighters, we are about jerks, we live a barbaric, we are survivors.
Argentine and as such we need a hero to rise to the occasion, someone who is worthy of admiration and while we identify. San Martín, the father of his country and Liberator of America, Mariano Moreno, the passionate revolutionary, Juan Manuel de Rosas, the Restorer, Evita, the Bearer of the Humble, Ernesto "Che" Guevara Che Guevara; They are among possible candidates for be the bearers of "Gen Argentino" (a program I hate), but I honestly do not think neither represents what we really are. Surely with this I will say now I do deserve a few insults, but no matter, I will say the same. In my opinion the "national", the great hero of Argentina, Diego Armando Maradona is.
"Why Maradona? if a fat falopero only thing he did well in his life was kicking a ball "is what some critics say, those who can not see beyond their noses. Diego long ago stopped being a person to become an iconic symbol of Argentina, a living legend and we who turn them into that. In the place our hopes, and it is because the saw not only the ability but the courage to accomplish what few can, the Gloria.
What is it that makes magical Maradona? What is it you do not have another Argentine who have given their lives for their country? To understand what makes it so special, you must understand that no matter what is but what it represents. Diego is the self-improvement, is the poor kid be stopped without losing memory, still the same kid in the neighborhood who had as a dream win the title with the Blue and White. Diego is the skill, was the most skilled at what he did and to this day no one could overcome, today people do not want to be the San Martín Economy, the Evita of the biology or the Che Guevara of the guitar, but wants to be is the Maradona of the guild, because it would mean being the best. Diego stands for courage, is a guy who never that despite his illness never gave up, was on the verge of death, but managed to rise. Diego is the courage of reveldes represents is a guy unafraid to speak his mind. Diego represents intelligence, with a touch of wisdom, every time he opens his mouth leaves a sentence to the story. And most importantly, Diego represents the district, continues to maintain the code with which he grew up. Diego is still the same old thing.
Generally people do not like Maradona says which is a superb, thought the best at everything, thought that his word is irrefutable, but it is not. His enemies put on a pedestal, denying the possibility of errors, it is as if I had not allowed to have flaws, but after all a human being. Do not confuse the Idol with the person. Diego is far from perfect, but is more nearly so than his critics. Who are your opponents? Should first clarify that it has 2 types of enemies, on one hand all those poor who have to hang his boots to do that which by its means can not achieve, and on the other are those who do not forgive and remain part of the "mob", are those who hate the poor, who despise the people who believe that fame and money the rise above all resent that he has not become a snob, they think Diego recess to meet with ordinary people, but they are wrong, he would cut if you put your level.
Everything in life of 10 meets the basic characteristics of a fairy tale, humble beginnings, self-improvement, the Gloria, the setbacks, the confrontation with power, betrayal. We mystical air to their deeds, the English goal was the Hand of God, was not a violation of the rules of soccer was a miracle, in the same match also gave us the prettiest goal of the story, the one in which Victor Hugo was asked "Cosmic Kite which planet are you?". Your story sounds a Caption:
"A young man from poverty wished to turn his dream into reality, managed to bring happiness to a people steeped in the absolute sadness, not contented with that he left for other courses where he repeated his exploits surprising everyone . As she grew harvested fans around the world, and aroused envy. I face the enemy troops, joined nations. The large hierarchy used it to increase its power. Evil did tempt him, tripped and was on the verge of death, but finally managed to leave the well, recovering miraculously. Its revival brought a new air which rose again in its rightful place. Continued to garner love and hate, arousing passions by which the pass. He was charged with false Messiah by the priests of journalism, was the betrayal of Judas Bilardo who gave it to Pontius Grondona who crucified, but only to return some time later to confront those who tried to sink it. "
Diego has the ability to wonder , and that's what led me to write this article. The epiphany came to me when one of the Duro Noter of Domar, full of emotion, made him a note showing him some tapes of the world, that feeling that every one is felt reminded me while I was able to walk a few feet to his side. It was an afternoon in which he left to train in Boca, I just left the locker room and he went to the club's parking lot, I saw him go surrounded by reporters that filled him with flashes and questions, take advantage and sent me, I was beside , passed his hand on my shoulder and kept walking, still looking forward with your head up, had a strange energy that covered the environment, I am filled with elation. At that moment I thought that was just next to someone famous, but Over time I noticed that anyone who approaches it seems to have the same feeling, whether famous or not famous, athletes and nonathletes, no matter the spread joy, that is the key to their success and also their misfortune, that is why the soldiers used it during the last dictatorship, as well as Charles I of Aniyaco use, to the Neapolitan mafia use it for business, he said in a note, "In Naples Maradona had to be so you do not kill ", horrible as it sounds, it shows how important it is.
short, a people always looking for your identity on the heroes, those characters that represent all the attributes considered positive, but in turn projected onto them their faults. That's Maradona, a mirror of society in all its aspects Argentina, in its virtues and its vices. That's what makes him so loved and so hated at the same time. I find it funny to see that every time you get a very talented player, is said to be the new Maradona, Messi eg. People, I want to say that Messi is Maradona as a dolphin born in captivity is a dolphin born in freedom, both may be similar, in the aquarium may have the same ability, but if the long nature, the dolphin born in captivity die in a short time while the other returns to adapt easily. May imitate but never equaled, Diego is unique and unrepeatable. Diego not only Argentina, Diego is Argentina, Diego is the "national" and the bank to death.
As a corollary I leave one sentence:
If Maradona does not exist, it would be invented.
And you do not like, that continue nursing.