Sunday, October 3, 2010

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be or not be, that is the question

help I was recently asked to write an essay on existentialism, of course I agreed and began to sketch out a few paragraphs, which were so nice to me I said "beat them a revised and upload it to your blog, all you have yet to return a bit to post something interesting. " Well, said and done, here are few words that will not help much, but maybe they run a little marula, enjoy them.

Over the past 200 years, the Enlightenment was the beginning of the secular states and the consequent decrease scientific pursuits, which caused a flurry of new discoveries that helped explain the workings of the universe. The theory of evolution by natural selection and the Big Bang theory are the 2 most important events in science, since it places the starting point for everything we know today. Unlike theistic hypothesis of the creation of these theories say that there is any god is totally unnecessary because there should be only a coincidence.

since man is man asked the reason for their existence and also of other things, was when looking at the sky and see a Ray figured it was a spear sent by a being who lived in the clouds, some called it Thor, Zeus others, that thought led to attribute to various deities unknown facts, then, if everything had a sponsor, why have none human life itself? Thus was born the concept of God the Creator, which was then used by dominant groups to maintain their status quo.

The beginning of atheism as an alternative to theistic thinking, is when humans start to ask why these creative beings and realize that his question had no satisfactory response or minimally coherent began to seek a change of approach will change the question, let's be Why we exist? to "exist, what is there? how we become what we are, was the beginning of scientific thought, philosophy was born, and did not ask why but how, not looking for the goal but the road. From that, they would have to define what life is, which is the existence, where we came from and whether to go somewhere.

existence is but a name given everything can be perceived. You can distinguish 2 types of stocks, real and imaginary. The real is all that 2 or more people can perceive the same way, for example, exists and is a stone real because I and you see the same way, while imagination is all that one person can perceive, for example, God is an imaginary figure because there is only a mental perception of it, there is something more than 1 person can perceive at the same time.

Given that many will say "but we all have a vision of God and his qualities," but this is a wrong concept they have is the description of a fictional character can not exist outside of a text. So there are no words "being". So what is a "being"?. A "being" is all that can perform an action, an animal a plant, bacteria are "beings", it should make a distinction between "being" and "thing", both have a real existence, and that can be heard, we all perceive the same way, but the "being" has own life, however the "thing" is an inert existence, which only follows the physical laws that govern the universe.

By now you can identify 2 types of existence, real and imagined, and within the first 2 categories can be found, "being" and the "thing", it is now time to move a little more, and delve into the "beings." There are 2 kinds of beings, who are aware of themselves and those who do not. Needless to say that beings Why take place, what is important is determining the level of consciousness that have them. Scientific studies have shown that not all animals are aware of their existence, but, for example, to look in a mirror do not realize they are in front of a mirror, have no idea how is your image, change Other animals such as monkeys if they do, but to some extent, it could be said that the varying degrees of awareness among people with developed nervous system, being human beings and animals with greater awareness.

Conscience is what makes the perception of reality, so to see if something exists or not, someone who sees it has to be aware of their existence and to differentiate it from others. This does not mean that if there were no sentient beings exist, the evidence shows that life (at least on Earth) originated about 3 billion years, and the origin of Homo Sapiens is given for more or less 10 thousand years before that there were things and beings that perceive, although they were not aware of this. Incidentally creationist assumptions placed upon Creation by God, at a time 10 thousand years ago. It is where we must note the difference between theistic and atheistic existentialism, the second is necessary someone who perceives the existence for it exists, while in the first independent existence is perception.

But if at first we define the "existence" is anything that can be perceived, how can there be something with no perception?, There is an old riddle that says, what sound does a tree falling in the forest when no one to listen?. To answer these questions must take a different approach, one must ask if it really matters who has existence. So, does it matter what sound was that tree? or does it matter if there's something there is nobody to see it, the answer is that it does not matter. The importance of the existence depends on being perceived that, so do not worry about what would have happened if he had not made conscious life, but worry about this.

is important to emphasize that the existence can be seen in 4 dimensions: height, length, depth (the 3 dimensions that make up the space) and last time. Einstein demonstrated that time perception is relative and not everyone notice his lapse in the same way, but this does not mean it is imaginary, and what changes are perceived to be external factors. Used to explain this phrase: "When a man is with a beautiful woman, an hour seems like a minute. But if you sit on a hot stove, then a minute seems like an hour. That's relativity. " Although each person has a different perception of the time everyone agrees that time is composed of 3 sub-dimensions: Past, Present and Future. As mentioned earlier the only one that matters is the present because that is where everything happens. The past we can only perceive the consequences of what happened, which are unchangeable. The future, however, is something that is not real and never will be, since we can only imagine but there is no guarantee that that happens. If one were to plot a time line that would be a straight line part in what is known as Time Planck (smallest unit is the existing time located at the right time of Big Bang) to the present, then that is a blank space will be filled as that things just happen.

After all this we can conclude that the present is an infinite time moves on the road we know as Time, that the existence occurs within that time, the important thing is not why the existence but the way we perceive and finally, most importantly, if we move in the time axis to either the infinite past to infinite future or just going to find anything, come out of nowhere and going to nowhere, that only may mean that we are the absolute nothing, we believe there is special and can ask why, but in the end we are not special, we are not unique, we are not eternal, we are just coincidences and find more answers tomorrow we will not be used for anything. While humanity today still kill each other to impose their truth, life is slipping away, never to return, must be left to fuck and enjoy life. In conclusion, is there? Yes, why? I have not the slightest fucking idea, I do not care, just to pick I can say that the world ends!


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