Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mount And Blade Dual Core Support

Suite 101 Salt consumption in everyday foods, including "invisible salt"

Men have, on average, higher pressure than women and experience more cardiovascular disease than women.
In this situation, this year's awareness week to salt (21 to 28 March) is devoted to men.

Now that preparing an article for Suite 101 on the salt, a basic ingredient in the kitchen, I found that from 21 to 28 March an organization called World Action on Salt and Health ( WASH) conducted in developed countries like the UK and Australia the "week of awareness to the salt, 2011." Although Mexico has become one of the 81 countries participating in the Global Action on Salt and Health, seems to be no scheduled activities.

Raise awareness about the amount of salt we eat is of great importance, especially since much of what we eat or even present in everyday foods such as cereals industrialized and processed foods. This "salt invisible" is probably the one that gives more headaches, literally, and is probably responsible for high blood pressure in people who supposedly care much for your diet, but include, even by prescription or recommendation of a nutritionist, industrialized cereals rich in fiber, sodium content of which is truly alarming, especially because it adds to the salt in other foods, including water.

In a document of the Organization Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) provides that the health problems associated with salt the salt does not lie in itself, even emphasized that salt is a substance necessary for optimal body function, the problem is that the requisite amount should not exceed the daily recommendations, at the risk of increased blood pressure, stroke and other heart conditions.

By consulting the tables of practical use of the nutritional value of most consumed in Mexico (second revised edition, 1992), published by the former National Food Commission and the National Institute of Nutrition Salvador Zubirán, to review the amount of sodium in some foods everyday, I got a huge surprise to learn that industrialized cereals such as puffed rice "natural" contain 7.341 milligrams of sodium, or nearly ten times more than it tastes like chocolate (765 mg) and even the caloric intake is slightly lower in the product chocolatey (387 kcal) than the "natural" (396 kcal).

Last year, the heads of the Ministries of Public Education, Health and Economy discussed a bill to ban the sale of junk food in public schools because of its high calorie content and impact on the health of Mexican children. Problem analysis and proposals of experts emerged National Agreement for Health Food. Strategy against overweight and obesity (ANSA ) . It seemed that would prevent children from having access in educational establishments, foods, in addition to not be as desirable from the point of view of nutrition, are costly. In the end, everything was on a list, that the March 7, 2011 containing 1.466 registered and listed products in what is called "Guidelines for the sale or distribution of food and beverage establishments in basic education."

noteworthy that the sodium content in some beverages report only the first 28 and 12 called "soy liquid foods", in which were seen also in milliliters content, calories serving and non-caloric sweeteners.

In the category of probiotics reported: calories, fats and sugars in snacks while, where sweet and savory fall, and the name and portion size are considered: calories, total fat, trans fatty acids and total fat (percent of total calories .) Even in the "bombs" of chamoy, in Lucas and the "Miguelito", the salt content in the envelopes of 20 grams must be very high, sodium is reported.

Finally, institutional albeit not give importance to the apparent salt or the "invisible" to tons consumed in the country, or a move that could have positive effects the formation of conscience before salt intake, this Desktop has put the issue on the table (pun intended) at least you think a little before adding salt to food for the family and individual .


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