real and personal communication is key in the animation group and to achieve the animator must have:
-Authenticity and congruence, to establish a relationship with the group and successful communication.
-Acceptance Unconditional
group "Empathic understanding or empathy (understanding another world as another sees it).
We consider four main issues:
"Your communication with the group. The animator has to feel a member of the group as set available a series of technical knowledge and skills and participate in group life.
"As for that training for group work, the animator must propose and teach the means of action and appropriate procedures for the proper functioning of the group.
-The moderator must be conducted in such a way that helps group members develop their own initiative and capabilities.
"Your role within the meetings. His opinion should allow the group to decide for himself yet being able to convey enthusiasm, courage and confidence, without forgetting to provide a good environment for work and interpersonal relationships.
When it comes to groups that are beginning to work, the teacher / facilitator should have a greater participation in their functioning and their tasks will be much broader. In other words: the less mature a smaller group participation, the greater must be the direct intervention of the animator; as the group matures, the facilitator fades out.
techniques mean by the whole group of instruments and procedures of the animation process, applied to group work, help to develop the efficiency and stimulate action and operation of the group to achieve identified targets.
From here the following conclusions:
"That means the techniques are useful in the animation process, communication, growth and maturation of the group and its members.
"That can not be applied out of context, be used in direct relation to the specific situation of each group.
"Do not all techniques are used to all the objectives.
"That their use requires a knowledge depths of the reality in which we work and group dynamics.
"That is not a simple game, even though they look it.
A group techniques he uses are very different, which will depend on who used, how they use and what to look for them.
Group techniques are not used to fill the time but with a specific objective, such as:
-Create group: we can know them better, and establish more friendly relations and deep .
-Overcoming a phase of stagnation of the group.
conflict-resolution group.
-Dar seriously, always looking for reflections of group members.
Every technique we use we must adapt to the group and individual circumstances, if we improve quality in the implementation and response. Hence, should take into account the objectives we seek, the band's maturity and size, the environment, space, age and interests of the group, the experience of the animator, etc.
Given the number of group techniques place, it is difficult to establish a specific classification. Several authors have made throughout the history of Social Animation ratings. However, virtually all agree in large part, by the following distribution:
-presentation techniques
-Technical knowledge and confidence
-Techniques for studying and work issues
-expression values \u200b\u200b
- Creativity techniques
assessment techniques to create environment-
-group initiation techniques
-group production techniques
-group cohesion techniques.
Bib Latane and his collaborators as a loss of motivation that social loafing is most ease the larger groups, where responsibility is diluted so that more people are unproductive.
The reason for social loafing may be the belief that other group members are not making a fair effort. Perhaps the main reason for its origin lies in the dispersion of responsibility.
Motivation is a key element in the group performance. If the only problem is the lack of motivation should be possible to increase the effectiveness of groups increasing motivation level of its components, the importance that the task for them and the degree of group cohesion. In experiments conducted on this subject, in many cases the tasks they are entrusted to people devoid of any relevance or appeal, in many cases we can consider that groups are not strictly speaking, but simply aggregates of individuals who do not know each them. When participants are real groups that have a group identity, probably the motivation level is higher and therefore the running as well.
In a group one of the basic responsibilities the leader is to create conditions to enhance the performance of their employees, in order to seek the good of the group. Therefore, the motivation is a factor of paramount importance since it affects the work and achieving good results with and through people.
Teamwork is an essential tool for achieving the objectives. If group members improve their communication, resolve conflicts successfully and are motivated, have better chances of success.
leader to motivate others Consider the following:
- Believe in yourself. He who does not believe in himself does not know what to say and do not know how to act. He who is not firm in his convictions, is unlikely to reach others.
- caring for others. The reason is not manipulated. It motivates others to achieve a collective good.
- Listen carefully. Understand what they say and what they want. Only then can motivator. If a person identifies messages get to their interests or their feelings, act with great motivation.
- Provide constant positive reinforcement. To motivate is to always look on the bright side of things. If any employee has a good performance is due to award recognizing his success and encouraged more. If another is wrong is to encourage you until you get it right.
- Get involved. You must know people, motivate them to act to meet their needs.
To enrich the members of the group there are many specific actions that a leader must follow. Other highlight:
- Form natural work groups: The creation of natural units of work means that the tasks they perform are an identifiable and meaningful whole. This improves the likelihood that others see their work as meaningful and important. The idea is that each person is responsible for all identifiable labor process.
- Joining the task: They must try to make existing tasks and split to increase the variety of skills and the identity of the task.
- Open feedback channels. By increasing the feedback, they know how well they are performing their activities and if their performance is improving, worsening or remaining the same. From Ideally, this feedback must be received directly when performing the work, rather than be provided occasionally.
When you drive or lead a group of people is very necessary first to think and be convinced, whether what we are doing is to our liking, so we must identify what is the disincentive is present. We lead to situations such as motivation, fear, rivalry, favoritism, actions poorly designed, inappropriate assessment of performance, conditions inadequate environmental, inequities ...
Studies have established various motivations that maintain or modify our behavior. The most frequent in the group environment are:
- Motivation for achievement is a drive to overcome challenges, progress and grow. And impulses leads to higher goals. They strive to be working better.
- Motivation competition is an impetus for a high-quality work. They strive to get a great domain and professional growth.
- Motivation for membership moves to interact with people. They work best when they receive a greeting for their positive attitudes and cooperation. Select friends to surround them, they feel a greater inner satisfaction to be among acquaintances.
- Motivation is the need for self-fulfillment, the tendency of men to be what it may be, to use and fully exploit its capabilities and potential.
- Motivation for power, influence people and situations. The power-motivated people tend to be more willing than others to accept risks.
line course all over Spain: ENTERTAINER / A SPECIALIST GROUP DYNAMICS 200 hours.
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Request more information OBJECTIVES OF UNITS TEACHING:
General Objective: To acquire a broad overview about the theoretical accounts of the phenomenology of the group.
Specific objectives:
- Students will identify different definitions that are handled in the field Socio.
- Students will determine which group elements can model the behavior of the individual.
- Students will be able to recognize the stages of forming a group.
- The student could identify the main characteristics of a group unit.
- Students will distinguish the essential elements of team communication. UD 2
General Objective: To obtain an essential foundation of knowledge about the application of group dynamics.
Specific objectives:
- Students will apply various techniques in a particular group dynamic.
- Students will design their own group dynamics session.
- Students will properly apply the methodological guidelines required of a cheerleader for the group. UD 3
General Objective: To know the different techniques of group initiation and understand their proper use in handling group dynamics.
Specific objectives:
- The student correctly describes each model group initiation techniques.
- The student clearly distinguish some other techniques.
- Students will choose conveniently each technique in terms of learning objectives or the level of knowledge of members of a group.
General Objective: To identify the different production techniques appropriate group and understand their use in managing group dynamics.
Specific objectives:
- The student correctly describes each production engineering group.
- The student clearly distinguish some other techniques.
- Students will examine and select each technique properly in terms of learning objectives or the level of knowledge of members of a group. UD
General Objective: To obtain a knowledge about the importance of the evaluation, procedure and techniques.
Specific objectives:
- Students will identify the different forms of assessment that can be apply.
- Students will apply conveniently Group Observation Guide.
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