Sunday, November 21, 2010

What Do You Feed A 15 Month Old Dog

"Christmas cake"

Christmas Cakes

In 1989, shortly after the first presentation of the book Like Water Chocolate , By Laura Esquivel, I had the opportunity to interview on the radio program "Oscillations", broadcast on Radio Network, where Radioprogramas still belonged to Mexico. Unfortunately has neither the recording of the broadcast or photographs, although the book, special edition for the press, which jumped 400. Keep in mind the kindness of Laura from the first phone call I made to invite and during the interview, which flowed naturally and easily, discussing details of the plot, the role of food in his career and something about their plans in the field of letters.

I'm not sure if I told the feeling I had when I read the first chapter and I imagined the taste of the "Christmas Cake", I think so because I was impressed how the flavors of sardines and chorizo \u200b\u200btogether came to my mind as if you had already tried this strange preparation.

That end of the year, my friend Marylou Torrescano also partner of the broadcaster, that encouraged me to prepare. We meet at home to do it and they were rich. We do not prepare much, maybe about twenty. Years later, when I started the program on Radio Mil Enjoy!, In September 1994, I looked for Laura to be my first guest, but unfortunately was New York, writing his next novel.

However, to celebrate the airing of the program and I will re Marilu "cakes" and we were much richer.

Since 2003 every year, at the beginning of December, my dear Marilu and other friends we meet early to prepare about 200 pancakes and the other guests arrive at night to be free to work, but for whom the "Christmas cakes "name that is known for year-end meeting of the family, are part of the Christmas tradition. The recipe, as it has in the book, lists the following ingredients:
1 Can sardines
1 / 2 chorizo \u200b\u200b
1 onion Oregano

serrano chiles 1 can
10 teleras
the preparation is talking to throughout the chapter, but in a nutshell is as follows:

"Beware of frying chorizo cakes over very slow, so that in this way is cooked but not brown excessively. As is ready, remove from heat and sardines are incorporated, which previously have been stripped of the skeleton. It is also necessary scraping with a knife with black spots on the skin. Along with sardines mixed onion, chopped peppers and ground oregano. Allow the preparation, before filling the cake. "
She suggests preparing home-baked bread, but if that is not possible is recommended advance ordering in a good bakery for the weavers make them as tiny as possible (in the picture you can tell the difference between a crossbeam and a telerita), because they eat a snack.

After several years of experimenting with the recipe, I suggest that in addition to the onion raw, fry the chorizo \u200b\u200b(pork, chicken or turkey) in half with chopped onion. If you get good quality sausage can also be used, although I think the chorizo \u200b\u200bdo better. I suggest doing a test before making more than ten, to balance the flavors Logar, because if you are prepared with small sausages can dominate the flavor of sardines.
ingredients for my version of "Christmas cakes"
sausage (turkey), sardines with oil and tomato, onion
twice indicating the original recipe, oregano, fresh serrano peppers
marinated and small teleras
If prepared a day earlier, as does Tita, the protagonist of the novel, cover with a damp cloth. Before serving, bake a few minutes to eat warm. If you are served with a green salad of lettuce and spinach, seasoned with a good vinaigrette, taste is enhanced. Adults usually eat three to four young people since November waiting for this feast is eaten during overnight more than five.

Although the recipe pickled serrano peppers are chopped, adding a rich touch of acidity to the mix, it's a good idea to separate a part without chile (add a few drops of lemon or a splash of vinegar) and place the patties on platters on which indicate the peppers.

If invited to the desktop are encouraged to prepare I would love to leave a comment here and in an article in Suite 101.

Bon appetit!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Custom Warrior Lacrosse Pinnie

Mexican cuisine, cultural heritage, by Yuriria Iturriaga, La Jornada

published yesterday
information disseminated on the website of Unesco relating to registration of the traditional Mexican cuisine on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (PCI) and included other entries devoted to four items related to food culture, with so that the guests at the Desktop with this information at hand and know what Member States had to support their candidacies.
Article published in Suite 101 "Traditional Mexican Now if the list of Unesco?, I quoted the anthropologist Yuriria Iturriaga, who participated in the preparation the dossier submitted for the first time before the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the ICH. At the end I included the following reflection:
Who capitalize their profits? Surely politicians, public officials and personalities gastronomy and tourism sector . However, it is desirable that affects the quality of life of those who kept alive these traditions, despite the economic crisis, political, educational, health and labor seem to picking on people good and working of these two states and the entire country.
now playing a snippet of the article Iturriaga Yuriria anthropologist, who can finish reading in the newspaper La Jornada.

UNESCO Recognition
Mexican cuisine, intangible cultural heritage
of Michoacan in the Old Jesuit College of Patzcuaro Photo La Jornada
could rejoice at the inclusion of the Mexican record on cooking on the representative list for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) if not, inter alia, because safeguards, which requires the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to grant the declaration of world heritage cultural element, in the case of Mexican records are not only as government commitments, but as proposed by the NGO Conservatory of Mexican Food Culture, Civil Society (profit), and are taking measures to involve communities in their traditional cooks, give courses in hygiene, culinary techniques, business administration and advertising , so his "mini-companies are planted in tourist routes" ( sown among nouvelle cuisine restaurants Mexican erected the signatories of the project and their support).
For how trying to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage and material that represent the ancestral knowledge of cultivation and processing of inputs of land and water, and refined forms of consumption (with its hundreds of objects, textiles, ceramics, basketry, glass, wood, made during the rest of the field) to ennoble the act of eating as a tribute to the gods lavish, assuming that the community development is encouraged with mini planted through which tourism and assuming that the traditional cooks are unsanitary and obsolete technologies?
would be happy if the members of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of PCI had taken the trouble to read carefully the proposed paradigm Michoacan and the Mexican government had recommended to integrate all the traditional cuisines of the country as a fact and not as a repetition of a draft model, if they had recommended revising the definition of PCI, who initialed the director of the National Institute of Anthropology and History for the official presentation of the dossier to UNESCO by individuals and NGOs gathered in a responsible absolute measures safeguards.
Read in the Section of Review

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Can I Workout With Bells Palsy

traditional Mexican cuisine. Inscribed on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage 2010

traditional Mexican cuisine, community culture, ancient and alive - The paradigm of Michoacán

Registered in 2010 on the Representative List Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Country (ies): Mexico



traditional Mexican cuisine, community culture, ancient and alive - The paradigm of Michoacán © 2006 A.
Rivers / Ministry of Tourism of the State of Michoacan.
traditional Mexican cuisine is a complete cultural model that includes farming, ritual practices, know-how ancient cooking techniques and customs and modes of behavior ancestral community. This has become possible thanks to the participation of the community in traditional food chain: from the planting and harvest of crops to food preparation and tasting of delicacies. The basic elements of the system are: corn, beans and chile, methods of cultivation doozies, such as milpa (rotation crop for corn and other plants, slash and burn the land) and the floating island (islet culture artificial lake areas) and food preparation procedures nixtamalization (husked corn with lime to increase its value nutrient), and special tools such as grinding stones and stone mortars. A staple food products are added indigenous ingredients of different varieties such as tomatoes, pumpkins, avocados, cocoa and vanilla. The Mexican cuisine is elaborate and is full of symbols: the tortillas and tamales daily consumption are also part of the offerings made Day of the Dead. In the State of Michoacán and around Mexico we can find groups of cooks and others practicing the culinary traditions that are dedicated to improving crops and traditional cuisine. Their knowledge and skills are an expression of community identity and social ties can strengthen and consolidate the sense of national identity, regional and local levels. Efforts in Michoacán to preserve traditional cuisine also highlight the importance that it is through sustainable development. Decision 5.COM

6.30 The Committee (...) decide that [this element] Satisfies the criteria for inscription on the Representative List , as FOLLOWS:
  • R1: The Mexican cuisine is a fundamental element of cultural identity of communities that practice and passed on from generation to generation.
  • R2: The inscription on the Representative may increase the visibility of the intangible cultural heritage and foster respect for cultural diversity and human creativity.
  • R3: The safeguard measures now in place and those planned for the future include consultations and research projects and practical training, with support from the State and the communities concerned.
  • R4: Those who practice this culinary tradition have participated actively in the process of preparing the bid and have given their free, prior and informed consent.
  • R5: The Mexican cuisine is included in the Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Mexico administered by the National Council for Culture and the Arts.
Information taken from the site of the Unesco


What Does Dry Oil Body Spray Do To Your Body?

The development of gingerbread in northern Croatia. Inscribed on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage 2010

The bread spices in northern Croatia

Registered in 2010 on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Country (ies): Croatia



The bread spices in northern Croatia
© 2008 by Ministry of Culture
The tradition of making gingerbread emerged in some European monasteries at the time medieval and spread to Croatia, where he became a craft. The craftsmen who produced this bread, settled in the north, also engaged in the manufacture of candles and honey. The procedure for preparing the gingerbread requires skill and speed at once. The recipe used by all the craftsmen is the same: make a dough with flour, water, sugar and baking soda and add the spices necessary. The dough is placed into molds, baked, dried and painted with food coloring. Each artisan bread decorates his guise, with pictures, mirrors, verses and messages. The most common is to be given the shape of a heart and be prepared for weddings, decorated with the names of the newlyweds and the wedding date. Each craftsman plies his trade in a given area, without interfering with the activity of others. The technique of making bread has been passed from generation to generation since many centuries ago, initially only for men, but today women are also custodians of this tradition. Over time, the gingerbread has become one of the most notorious symbols of Croatian identity. Today, the craftsmen who made it among the most important participants in all types of parties, events and local meetings, and his presence gives local populations a sense of identity and continuity. Decision 5.COM

6.10 The Committee (...) decide that [this element] Satisfies the criteria for inscription on the Representative List , as FOLLOWS:
  • R1: The gingerbread northern Croatia, offered as a gift, sold in markets and used as Christmas decoration, is a recognized by the community as part of their intangible cultural heritage whose traditional roles have been adapted to modern times.
  • R2: The inscription on the Representative may contribute to the visibility of the intangible cultural heritage worldwide, and to promote respect for human creativity and intercultural dialogue, by analogy with similar culinary practices.
  • R3: The safeguard measures taken and planned taking into account the priorities set by the community and, moreover, the State has made a commitment to preserve the tradition through protective legislation and administrative support.
  • R4: The artisans have participated in the determination of measures necessary to perpetuate the art of making gingerbread, including through innovative ways of transmission of tradition, and have given their free, prior and informed cause the submission of the application package.
  • R5: The traditional art of making gingerbread is entered in the Register of Cultural Assets of the Republic of Croatia administered by the Ministry of Culture.
Information taken from the site of the Unesco


Warrior Racerback Lacrosse Pinnies

The Sohbet, traditional meeting. Inscribed on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage 2010

The Sohbet, traditional meeting

Registered in 2010 on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage Humanity
Country (s): Turkey



The Sohbet, traditional meeting
© Information and Documentation Center of Folk Culture / Ministry of Culture and Tourism
The Sohbet is a traditional gathering which plays a role essential in the transmission of literature, dance and popular music, plays rural and social values \u200b\u200bof Turkey. Turkish men generally meet regularly in homes or local, especially in winter, to discuss local issues of social and cultural traditions to safeguard and promote solidarity, mutual respect and sense of community. These meetings may accompany the interpretation of music and dance, as well as plays, they enjoy all present while sampling local cuisine. A Sohbet can last until dawn. In this type of meeting is open to all men over 15 or 16, whatever their ethnicity, religion or social status, and only requires families belonging to honest, be trustworthy, respect their elders, not play money and not be displayed in public while intoxicated. Members of a Sohbet can be penalized with a fine for missing a meeting, unless be extenuating circumstances exist. The wives and mothers encourage their sons and husbands to come to these meetings by social and cultural benefits they bring. Adept communities of this cultural practice usually have between five and thirty members and are headed by a chief appointed by vote or proposed by the elderly. All members of the community have the same rights and obligations. The Sohbet plays an important educational role as a vector for the transmission of ethical values \u200b\u200bas social justice, tolerance, kindness and respect. Decision 5.COM

6.44 The Committee (...) decide that [this element] Satisfies the criteria for inscription on the Representative List , as FOLLOWS:
  • A1: Sohbet is a social practice that offers community members a forum to keep alive their oral traditions to transmit their history and share their cultural values, giving them at the same time a sense of identity and continuity.
  • R2: The inscription on the Representative List Sohbet can reinforce social cohesion and mutual respect among communities, while helping to give greater visibility to intangible cultural heritage.
  • R3: The Turkish authorities and the concerned communities have planned efforts to safeguard this cultural element, aimed at conducting a research and documentation, encourage the organization of traditional meeting more frequently and provide premises where they may be held.
  • R4: The application package has been prepared with the participation of communities and groups concerned by the conclusion of a series of consultation meetings and also provides proof that they have all given their free, prior and knowingly.
  • R5: Sohbet Many local varieties are registered in the Turkish National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage, established under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Site Information from the Unesco


Curing Salt In Dallas

gastronomic food of the French. Represetativa inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage

The French gourmet food

Registered in 2010 on the Representative List Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Country (ies): France



The French gourmet food
© Camille
Dequilt, 2009
The French gourmet food is a customary social practice which aims to celebrate the most important events in the lives of individuals and groups, as births, weddings, birthdays, successes and reunions. It is a festive meal where the guests gathered practice the art of good food and good drink. Gourmet food stresses the importance of the fact of feeling comfortable together, the pleasure of tasting food and drink, and harmony between humans and nature products. Its most important elements include, inter alia, the following: a careful selection of dishes to be prepared, selecting them from the recipe in a steady increase, the purchase of quality products, local preference, whose tastes match, the harmonization of the foods with the wines, the decoration of the table, and the accompanying use of gestures dishes specific, such as smell and taste. The gourmet meal should follow a predetermined scheme: it must begin with an appetizer and end with taking a drink of liquor, and must include at least four courses: appetizers, fish or meat with vegetables or vegetables, cheese and dessert . Persons recognized as food critics, who have a thorough knowledge of culinary tradition and preserve memory of it, watch a live practice of the rites gastronomic and transmit, orally or in writing, to the younger generation. Gourmet food contributes to the strengthening of family ties and friendly, and more generally strengthening social ties. Decision 5.COM

6.14 The Committee (...) decide that [this element] Satisfies the criteria for inscription on the Representative List , as FOLLOWS:
  • R1: Food of the French cuisine has a social function active in the community concerned and passed on from generation to generation as part of their identity.
  • R2: The inscription on the Representative may contribute to greater visibility of the intangible cultural heritage, acting as a catalyst for mutual respect and intercultural dialogue.
  • R3: Safeguard measures demonstrate the commitment of the community, the French authorities and nongovernmental organizations to strengthen its transmission, in particular through the education system, while enhancing the research and advocacy.
  • R4: The application package was submitted after an extensive and active involvement of communities across the country meetings, debates and surveys. In addition, a large number of institutions and associations have given their free, prior and informed consent.
  • R5: Food of the French cuisine is registered in the Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage in France established by the Mission of Ethnology of the Ministry of Culture.
Information taken from the site of the Unesco


Can You Catch Warts From Brazilian Waxing

Mediterranean diet. Inscribed on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage 2010

Mediterranean diet

Registered in 2010 on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage Humanity
Country (ies): Spain - Greece - Italy - Morocco



Mediterranean diet
© 2003 par J. Anglada merchant
The Mediterranean diet is a set of skills, knowledge, practices and traditions related to human consumption, from the earth to the table, covering crops, crops and fisheries and conservation, processing and preparation of food and, in particular, the use of these products. In this model nutritional diet, which has remained constant through time and space, the main ingredients are olive oil, cereals, fruits and vegetables fresh or dried, a moderate proportion of meat, fish and dairy products , and plenty of seasonings and spices, whose consumption in the table is accompanied by wine or tea, while respecting the beliefs of each community. The Mediterranean diet, whose name comes from the Greek word diaita, which means "way of life includes not only food, since it is a cultural element that fosters social interaction, given that the common meals are a cornerstone customs and social events celebrating holidays. The Mediterranean diet has also caused a considerable body of knowledge, songs, proverbs, stories and legends. It is also rooted in an attitude of respect for the land and biodiversity and ensures the conservation and development of traditional activities and crafts related to agriculture and fishing communities in many Mediterranean countries, like Soria in Spain, Greece Koroni , Cilento in Italy and Chefchaouen in Morocco. Women play a fundamental role in the transmission of knowledge and practices specific rituals, gestures and traditional celebrations, such as safeguarding techniques. Decision 5.COM

6.41 The Committee (...) decide that [this element] Satisfies the criteria for inscription on the Representative List , as FOLLOWS:
  • R1: The Mediterranean diet is a set of practices, knowledge and skills that have been passed down from generation to generation and give a sense of belonging and continuity to the communities concerned.
  • R2: The inscription on the Representative will give greater visibility to the intangible cultural heritage diversity and intercultural dialogue to promote regional and international level.
  • R3: In the application file describes the efforts to safeguard this cultural element for each of the countries concerned and a plan for the transnational measures designed to ensure its transmission to younger generations and promote public awareness of the importance of the Mediterranean diet.
  • R4: The submission of the application has been the result of close collaboration between official bodies of the four States concerned and has been the active participation of different communities, having also provided proof that they have given their free, prior and knowingly.
  • R5: The Mediterranean diet has already been entered in the inventories of intangible cultural heritage of the four States concerned will be included in an inventory transnational Mediterranean is under preparation.
Information taken from the site of the Unesco
