Man II Bubble Man Bubble laptus Homo, a critique of modern man
not leave them for long puzzled I decided to publish the second part of Bubble Man. So try to do in the last posting was a historical introduction of the different revolutions communication and how are you affected societies, as man evolved from Homo Sapiens to Homo Laptus. Each advance shortened distances and broke down barriers, you usually process known as globalization.
Globalization in itself is a cultural melting globally. Of course this has its pros and cons. It can take as a union and an awareness of race, we are all human, therefore we are all equal and therefore should not separate culture but should unite. But it can take as a cultural imposition of the central nations adapting eliminating regional identities for their own benefit. But that is an ideological issue in which everyone is right and wrong at the same time, there are hundreds of meetings every day dealing with this issue and can not agree less I'll I was able to do this little blog.
I'll steal the terms of globalization and I will transform the planet's Burbujarización. We agree that the world has mutated from a large gas bubble to several bubbles of rock and then end up being a small clear bubble filled with small bubbles in concrete. On this I will work today, these small bubbles are concrete houses. Houses inhabited by families and families formed by people, individuals.
Advances in communications technology since the Second World War stopped focusing on the idea of \u200b\u200bcommunicating cities to focus on communicating home. Telephones, radios, televisions, and not necessary to leave the house to see what was happening, now turned on the television or call your family in another country and had the information available.
new bubbles were created, but despite being reported all the time, there was still privacy. No one was foreign to your circle could know was going on inside your home unless you want it. While the world was globalized families were isolating, were Burbujarizando. Because of this paradox does not accept the terms of globalization.
mass production technologies and the constant improvement of these produced a reduction in costs which allowed more families have access to them. No longer a luxury, but more necessary for the development of domestic life. From now on we will only refer exclusively to people who have access to technologies (middle and upper classes) as these are the ones that suffer most burbujarización.
The home class type for the mid-90s and include a telephone line, a music player and a TV as a minimum. Thing that was decades ago reserved for the upper classes, which this time had computers and mobile phones. Today most homes have minimally with a computer and cell phone per person. This shows the massive nature of communications and the need to keep in touch with the outside.
By having so much communication you would think that there is a need for freedom and contact with other people, with the exterior. For example the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving a cell phone per family member is theoretically able to locate each one at any time, maintain a permanent tacit contact. The curious thing that the average family is not as united, each has his room increasingly having fewer children, they eat at different times, each see their favorite television programs on their own televisions, etc. The family that once lived inside the bubble burbujarizarse concrete step, now each house was for several bubbles, which vary with the number of members. This happens more and more young families, which grew after the last communication revolution that brought the Internet in the 70s. In contrast the older generations and resistant to change that idea still hold the family together and strive for the great traditional gatherings, but have become less frequent.
We are in the final stage of burbujarización of society, which no longer involves countries, cities, or families, this involves people. The man has been isolated from the family, and does not share the phone with his family, but has a cell itself, and not have to listen to the radio or music player you like in the house, have your personal media player, no longer need to see programs that do not support as it has its own TV, and you need not wait to get daily news, live on the internet is, and not even have to use the computer of cyber or home and who has her own laptop.
Man has become a bubble recipient of information has been merged with the world has become globalized. Or at least it did in appearance. If you stop to look good to people on the street, no one looks around, they're all stuck in their bubble, talking to people on the other hand, engrossed in his music, thinking of nothing. Ceased to be part of the great global bubble for the bubble only that no one can enter. At least, until the introduction of the famous social networks, which almost completely eliminated the need for physical contact with the outside.
Now there chat rooms "that replace the bars and discos, one can gather there to exchange ideas, stories, meet people and all from the comfort of your home. No need to go to the office, and that through the "telework" can work from a laptop in the garden without disturbing classmates to read a book as "google" instead of going to look to the library can be downloaded films before leaving in the movies, display photos without having to print them. Now everything can be done with a click, all from the comfort of your bubble. And best of all, you no longer need to act in a particular way to be accepted, nor even need be displayed as you really are.
The virtual world allows create the life you always wanted but never could achieve, lies and exaggeration are allowed on the Internet, nobody can figure out the total truth, and that the bubble is too strong to be penetrated. There are even virtual worlds where one through an avatar (virtual person) can have a second life, work, marry, have superpowers and adventure previously only passed in the movies. This alienation experienced by the human being is so great that the real person may cease to exist if the limits are well established, life can take over the virtual real. And if this happens, the solid and impenetrable bubble becomes a simple soap bubble, transparent and fragile.
This can be seen clearly in the phenomenon "flogger." The kids are not people, but photos on the internet, and not called by the name on your ID card but by the name of Fotolog, have no friends but followers. Permeate both these profiles that lose their identity, they become malleable mass that moves with the rhythms of fashion. They have no life, have a website.
virtual This bubble is so fragile and so massive that it collapses on internet or disappear throughout the modern world is going down, financial systems, friendships, virtual lives, everything disappeared. Maybe even have a setback to a new Middle Ages. The world has become completely dependent on communications technology. Has been divided into two, the ball of rock and big bubble virtual, invisible, powerful, fragile. And the man has done the same, first a mass of flesh and the other a superior being able to achieve what you want while you have the software allows. A matter of time that a needle everything and malicious exploits reality hits us in the face once again.
Technological advances have brought an incredible amount of improvements to the quality of human life, but also make it highly dependent; has strengthened the race, but has also violated long, has led to further human than many have imagined, but he has isolated more. The question I get from this is, what will happen when the bubble being pinched?