Suddenly there will wonder why the delay in my last post (uh, well, how long it takes me a bit q, nop? XD), what happens is that that guy was crying deserved holiday looking to escape the cold almost winter in Lima. So after leaving everything tidy in the chamba (not to they can think of even trying to contact me with the pretext that they do not find a file, or God who knows why) I took my goats and I ventured on a trip of two weeks. And this time I decided, due to continuing recommendations from a friend who lives there, to go abroad and fall through the land of Uncle Sam, headed up by the then unknown to me, city of Miami! * O *
truths, I was a very interesting and beautiful streets and buildings that looked like calendar and in the evening light had a super awesome. Not to mention the small beaches so beautiful * ¬ *.
But now to the more important to me ... The feast! In so doing, I got the worry of how to feed my stomach roaring needed, then my amiwa laughs (joke obviously) told me, do not worry here we will find everything from beans to dry up my coveted GRILLED CHICKEN ^. ^ (click!).
So with that premise we set out to find where to eat and found restaurants like La Granja, El Tambo, Chicken Kitchen, La CabaƱa, El Pollo Inka, etc. where they served not only chicken but the long-awaited and why not? Peruvian food desired by all, some out there, imagine, to find ceviche (q needless to say I'm in Mission Impossible plan T___T).
Well, as you will understand I went there only to eat, had to give me a walk around the city and visit at least a few good places where you can buy some recuerdillos for the family and, of course, something for me. And meanwhile finished walk and walk as much as in Coral Gables, luckily my amiwa and her husband, also Latino, are aware of such absolute dollars and have a picture (said of a lead Audi is more like a ship a car) that was basic to know and walk without getting lost.
Diooooos, how suddenly, it would have been interesting to be operational aunq to enter and is looking ... ¬. ¬ (q intuit prices xque unique to the area would have prevented me spend more.) How will it be? What's new will? No idea when I wanted to ask open because when there was nobody who gave reason ... anyway
TT q
But what pleasure soon be out there some of the best chicken restaurants we have in our country porq with it, sure, he will follow the height of Peruvian companies overseas as is the case with The Caravan in California (if I remember correctly), soon Baskets in Mexico (if no longer open), Roky's in Bolivia and etc, etc, etc! The important thing is that every time we grow and make better known outside of food quality we have.
franchises Long live, long live (of course) grilled chicken and internationalization ... !!!!!
Good bye ...
eat more chicken ...
with fries!
XD I'll be back ...