With all that Bate Weekend
by finnnnnnnnnnn! After a few days a little shaken by the task of work and etcetera, I decided to stay home to rest my body deserved. The truth does not wish to make any effort or even who deserves to eat (seeeh, sometimes one gets to these extremes).
But this weekend, my dear mother, seeing me almost almost to the starvation decided, after telling me not cook today because the weekend (actually deserves it), ask my vice ... grilled chicken , yeeeeeee !!!!!!!!! (And the best: she invited).
After waiting as long as the poultry you want to wait (I promise that this will be grounds another post finally arrives -.-'), motor and obviously hear him, rushed into a room before my mom if I mean to put you get the simple, to claim my piece of chicken, potatoes and salad accompanied by respective sauces and my glass deeeee ... oh noooo, quee?? Total disaster: they made the order with Coca Cola!
therefore not, Mum, my grilled chicken accompanied with Inca Kola (or chicha in any case), otherwise we risk that even he will suffer. As a good mother who is (left to me XD), he answered "If you want to! If not, just leave it there, better, MORE FOR ME! "(Q what is inherited, not steal ...). Anyway what are you going to do a mother and her mother is the queen of the home (in addition q is q porq look good is your day soon), but I will not deny that the drink that best combines (cherry total) the ubiquitous grilled chicken is the Inca Kola at least for me, there is no doubt!
I must admit that this choice made long ago has been taken conscientiously (said of trying everything) and not lightly as you might think. Currently, offer to accompany your chicken not only with gaseous or chicha, but also with lemonade, carambola and other drinks that will calm your thirst but not "accompany" the route your chicken should be done from the mouth to the stomach.
Well the problem in question is that my mother today called for Coca Cola ... and now ... WHAT I DO? In so doing, dear bloggers that I had no other ... a) take the gas, b) take the chicha that was in the house, or c) not to take anything ... aunq and was about to choose the chicha, the truth that I chose a fourth alternative: leaving aside the weight above him, change the bedding (which annoying), put the marbles, and go to the store to buy my drink ... q to get one. Finally, I get what I desired and wanted, my Inca Kola (yes recontra ice) along "my precious", my grilled chicken!
Oh mother, next time, invite me!
bateeeee combines ... bloggers, today I will comment on one of the sauces, in my opinion, more delicious and disseminated around the world who have invented so far and that same Inca Kola, all combined. .. I think they sense what I speak ... from choclito to the pope, from steak to tuna, from the fried rice (yes, I eat it with fried rice ... what?) to our venerable chicken ... Hence, there is our delicious and exquisite ... MAYONNAISE! (Pásenme the "m", pásenme the "a", pásenme "y "...!).
Who has not eaten his chicken grilled and accompanied with their respective "pocotón" (say "a lot") of creamy mayonnaise? Who has time and again dipped his fries in this delicious sauce, and of course, also sunk every flakes by inter his remains? Few can resist the call ... Speaking of call (at q broached the subject), today I contacted a poultry X to make an order (and crack it later, right now I do porq not relevant) stressing, as always, not to forget the respective sauces (because it happened to me TT) and q, of course, I put mayonnaise harrrta ... and q, thinking about it, I decided expect my order in the most entertaining, researching a bit more about my past whitish sauce (yes, I know I have too much free time q ...):
Here we are two theories of its origin, which, like imagine After much research (relative of the verb "to wander" XD) on the Internet I could find:
Among the theories mentioned, is that of q in the Seven Years War, the French attacked the British fortress of St. Philip, in the port of Mahon. And, in celebration of what was a great victory Richelieu gave a great banquet where the menu included a sauce created by chef de Richelieu, with cream and egg ... But the absence of cream (cheap Richelieu), was improvised it with olive oil and egg, thus giving rise to this new salsa that drew an immediate acceptance. And so, in honor of the victory at the port of Mahon, be given the name "Mahonnaise" mutating then "Mayonnaise" being currently known to us, in Castilian as mayonnaise.
The second version, narrated that when Armand Jean du Plessis (who michi is that, anyone know?) Anchored in the port of Mahon in Menorca (Mediterranean Sea) in 1756, demanded food as soon landed. .. but as there was nothing prepared (his guilt by showing up unannounced!), the cook, embarrassed both by the circumstances, poor appetite and mood of his boss, took what he could, put the ingredients together and beat them to give them the consistency, shape and yellowing of the sauce we all know and then imagine, must have thrown on some other makeshift food to appease the hunger of his master. Since then, an improvised concoction that, to be known as "mahonnaise '(again through the port of Mahon). And so, choose the account q opt, at least now you know q, in any case, the moniker it owe this happy harbor.
Long live the cooks improvised! (veeen, now I can say who are given nothing to experiment ... other day I tell my purple chicken ^^'). And by the way, q me say, the home or bottled? The truth, nothing like a homemade mayonnaise, but there pcs. if they are willing to throw the whole bottle of oil ...
And now that and satisfy my curiosity (and hopefully the desire to know more about everything q directly or indirectly concerns the chicken pcs.), There is still more important, it is ... Satisfy my hunger! Luckily I already have heard the approaching motor to the door with my order (I hope, with enough mayonnaise jars) ... or that, or are motivated by hallucinations sudden hunger ... In short, if not him, back here for the ketchup ... to próximaaaaaaa!